Friday, May 28, 2010

D&D - WKRK - Aug 16, 2005

Awesome quotes from a Lions promo during this show:

Dan Miller & Jim Brandstatter: "Matt Millen is a guy that when he goes to do a job, will finish that job. And the job he has now is to take the Detroit Lions to the Superbowl...this guy is not a quitter. And the job he has is about winning football games for the Detroit Lions organization."

Topics covered during this partial show included streakers at a recent Tigers' game, a truncated interview with Hana Lee, a choppy (audio- and content-wise) interview with a "Transhumanism" guy, and an update to Beaver's dog-training technique. There were also call-in segments about OCD, crazy parties attended in our youth (inspired by Dieter Zetsche's wife), the NWA strike, and a long episode of "What's Normal?"

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-16 Hour 1
Filename: 2005-08-16 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 15.84 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-16 Hour 2
Filename: 2005-08-16 Hour 2 (incomplete).mp3 Size: 7.77 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-16 Hour 3
Filename: 2005-08-16 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.01 MB

Thursday, May 27, 2010

D&D - WKRK - Aug 15, 2005

First off...really? No one told me that yesterday's links for the 8/11/05 show were bad? C'mon people, you gotta let me know these things. :) They're all updated now, see the previous post for the correct links.

As for this show, it started out with a Jessica Hall (from the midday show) road-rage / driving quiz and contained call-in segments about alcohol tolerance, famous dead people (the "Funny / Sexy / Rocker" game), human cloning, gas prices, and Jeff's asshole brother. There were also discussions about Deminski's wine-tasting party, Amber Fry, the Paula Abdul / American Idol sex scandal, and Beaver's dog.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-15 Hour 1
Filename: 2005-08-15 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 14.88 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-15 Hour 2
Filename: 2005-08-15 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 13.68 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-15 Hour 3
Filename: 2005-08-15 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 12.92 MB

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

D&D - WKRK - Aug 11, 2005

Vacation went a couple days longer than expected, but we're back now, picking up where we left off in August, 2005. This show featured call-in segments on bad movie sequels, paternitiy doubts, gay things to do (e.g. wine tasting), as well as other topics such as Jeff's dog's STD, a fake Oompa Loopa, some Dr. Phil drops, and an interview with poker star Chris Moneymaker. The SMASH FOR CASH event benefiting the Penrickton Center for Blind Children took up the entire 5pm hour.

P.S. As someone said in the Yahoo group, this would be an awesome time to have a D&D show what with Kwame going to jail, Yzerman leaving Detroit, the owner of the face-mangling chimp from last year dying, and the series finales of 24 and LOST.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-11 Hour 1
Filename: 2005-08-11 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.00 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-11 Hour 2
Filename: 2005-08-11 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 17.16 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-11 Hour 3
Filename: 2005-08-11 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 18.65 MB

Friday, May 14, 2010

D&D - May 13, 2010 - Philly's WPHT 1210am

D&D started this show (their first live broadcast in over a month) with a very partisan opinion on a very controversial topic, the Arizona immigration law. I'm not sure if they're trying to fit in with the rest of the right-wing talent on WPHT, but this was one of the rare times Jeff and Bill both shared an unpopular opinion on a hot-button issue. Like Eric Holder, most Americans haven't read this law -- the questionable poll results on this law reflect more the average American's recession-based anti-immigrant attitudes (cue South Park - "They tuk yur jooob!").

Anyway, off the soapbox -- other topics covered included the proposed national "potty parity" bill (co-sponsored, incidentally, by Republican Congressman Darrell Issa), the Philly cop who shot himself -- and said "a black man did it" (yet again) -- weird kids' names (Wentworth, anyone?), the ACLU protecting those who dare cuss at cops, and a sick Philly fuck who killed a kid with Drano. A local Philly story the guys should have touched on is the 25th anniversary of the MOVE bombing -- watch a short video on it here.

As far as the show itself goes -- it seemed like there were less commercials than the last few times they were on WPHT. They also had their first contest -- they gave away some tickets to a Charlie Manuel event. It seemed (at least during the immigration debate) that they were pandering to the audience a bit. If that's the case, as comic Bill Hicks once put it, "Have some self respect -- stay home and jerk off, man." Heh...just breaking balls. They did a good job, but keep in mind, there are zero well-known syndicated political radio shows featuring two hosts, so I really don't see that working out for them. I'm still really missing the comedy bits.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2010-05-13 Hour 1
Filename: 2010-05-13 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 20.21 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2010-05-13 Hour 2
Filename: 2010-05-13 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.1 MB

Thursday, May 13, 2010

D&D - WPHT - No show May 12, 2010

As alluded to on Jeff's blog yesterday, due to last-minute weather-related schedule changes in the Phillies @ Rockies doubleheader from Denver, there was no D&D show last night on WPHT. Dom Giordano was on the air until midnight instead. Jeff ensured us that he and Bill will be on the air tonight from 10pm-midnight.

We were unfortunately counting on a WPHT show today and we don't have a 2005 show prepped to upload, so there's no new audio to post today. How about a few classic WKRK podcasts instead?

Feb 17, 2006 - SuperSize Scott recalls falling through the floor of his trailer while on the toilet
Apr 26, 2006 - Beaver goes inside a trash compactor
July 7, 2006 - "Doyle buys gay porn" (title says it all, no?)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

D&D - WKRK - Aug 10, 2005

We've got another half-show today and full show of NEW D&D tomorrow -- nothing permanent, they're just doing two more fill-in days for 1210AM WPHT in Philadelphia. Tomorrow and Friday we'll have the WPHT shows on here. I'm going on vacation next week, so we'll resume August, 2005 the Monday after next. Today's featured show included a change for Rudy to release some aggression, Mark Grace's profanity apology, and an interview with the authors of "Why Do Men Have Nipples?" There were also call-in segments about the emasculation caused by minivan ownership, anti-Walmart sentiment, windshield replacement scams, and a chemical explosion in Romulus.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-10 Hour 1
Filename: 2005-08-10 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.92 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-10 Hour 2
Filename: 2005-08-10 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 30.96 MB

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

D&D - WKRK - Aug 9, 2005

Surviving segments from this chopped-up half-show include the second half of an interview with Lewis Black (and the source of the "that is kinda gay" drop), Doyle's concern for his son's vocal bluntness, and an aborted game of Kick Rudy in the Nuts. There were also call-in segments about "gay" songs (and Jeff's gay diary revelation), the scientific name for Beaver's temper, and thoughts on whether to allow your kids to drink.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-09 Hour 1
Filename: 2005-08-09 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 17.93 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-09 Hour 2
Filename: 2005-08-09 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 14.32 MB

Monday, May 10, 2010

D&D - WKRK - Aug 5, 2005

Bib Bob Wingstone made an appearance during this show, as he attempted to chow down a 5-lb burger from the Dawghouse as callers called in with "cringe injury" stories. I miss Wingcup. :( The other call-in segments included suggestions for the upcoming "Smash For Cash" event and weird weapon collections, as well as a round of Beaver Pyramid. Miscellaneous topics covered ranged from Jeff's dog's horn-papaloma, Rudy's Sweaty-Pit-Gate, and the Lee Iococa / Snoop Dogg commercial.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-05 Hour 2 (incomplete)
Filename: 2005-08-05 Hour 2 (incomplete).mp3 Size: 10.65 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-05 Hour 3
Filename: 2005-08-05 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15.81 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-05 Hour 4
Filename: 2005-08-05 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 12.55 MB

Friday, May 7, 2010

D&D - WKRK - Aug 4, 2005

I have to admit, I was not an everyday listener of D&D when they were on WKRK. I worked a lot of afternoons when I first moved to the Detroit area in the middle of the last decade and the days I did listen when I wasn't working, I rarely listened straight through from 3 to 7. I bet a lot of listeners were that way; listen in their care driving home from work and maybe flip the radio on while eating dinner. After listening to most of a month's worth of WKRK shows, it seems to me like they had something special there that's going to be hard to duplicate. It's like there was ALWAYS something big going on. In July and the first week of August of 2005, there was the D&D Dating Game, MindCandy's possible move to California, a D&D Trivia Contest, Gamer Trough beta testing, and the in-studio appearances of the "Hot Coffee" Grand Theft Auto porn, a severed foot, and a curry / hookah bash. Wherever D&D end up in 2010, I hope they can recapture the magic they had at 97.1 (and at 101.5).

Today's featured show included appearances by Gavin (from Parker & the Man's crew) and Gregg Henson regarding a deathly boring WKRK employee meeting, as well as callers opinions on that topic as well as their drug and snoring experiences *coughJeffcough*, public marriage proposals, and their earliest childhood memories. Other segments included a possible Mike Tyson porn, an awesome Gamer Trough "Real Men of Genius" parody, poop in religious ceremonies, an interview with a hero from the Toronto airport crash, two murder stories (think road rage and a nagging wife), and a Buenos Aires "Batman"-themed hotel room.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-04 Hour 1
Filename: 2005-08-04 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 17.11 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-04 Hour 2
Filename: 2005-08-04 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 17.32 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-04 Hour 3
Filename: 2005-08-04 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15.23 MB

Thursday, May 6, 2010

D&D - WKRK - Aug 3, 2005

We're missing the end of the 3pm hour, most of the 4pm hour, and the entire 6pm hour -- but hey, again, it's better than nothing! :) There were a couple call-in segments during Hour 1 -- listeners chimed in on the vaccination / autism conspiracy theory and later admitted how much they spent on their dogs -- as well as a couple other topics, Deminski's wife's toe surgery and MindCandy's Detroit Music Award (the end of this segment was cut off). The entire 5pm hour consisted of Gamer Trough beta testing; Fox 2's Jason Carr joined the guys in the studio to capture some video for a GT segment he produced (that can be seen here).

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-03 Hour 1 (incomplete)
Filename: 2005-08-03 Hour 1 (incomplete).mp3 Size: 17.33 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-03 Hour 3
Filename: 2005-08-03 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.08 MB

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

D&D - WKRK - Aug 2, 2005

This was the "Doyle & Beaver Show," as Jeff was off taking care of his wife's toes and his dog's horn -- or maybe it was the other way around? Anyway, there was continuing coverage of the Sleep Cycle Watch inventiFAIL, the upcoming Gamer Trough beta testing, and the plane crash that happened in Toronto that morning. Other topics covered included GM's "Employee Pricing" extension, "tombstoning," and a cell phone "app" that can recognize songs, as well as call-in segments about stuff you hid from your family (inspired by Rudy's tattoos), crazy diets (inspired by a story about the Atkins Diet company going bankrupt), potato guns (inspired by a recent issue of Make Magazine), and good classic TV shows (inspired by Bill Cosby's venom towards FOX). Parents attitudes towards kids' sporting events were also addressed.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-02 Hour 1
Filename: 2005-08-02 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.93 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-02 Hour 2 (incomplete)
Filename: 2005-08-02 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 9.04 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-08-02 Hour 3
Filename: 2005-08-02 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 17.88 MB

P.S. Rest in peace, Ernie. Here are a few Ernie Harwell-related segments from D&D's WCSX show last year:

3/25/09 - Ernie speaks to D&D about the passing of George Kell
4/10/09 - D&D interview Ernie on Opening Day
4/14/10 - Ernie shares his thoughts with D&D about the shocking death of Mark Fidrych
9/17/10 - D&D cover the previous night's farewell to Ernie at Comerica Field

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

D&D - WKRK - July 29, 2005

We've got about half of this show -- totally missing Hour 1 and the audio from 4pm-6pm is missing quite a bit, but do we have the complete Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Friday Game. Segments that made it through the unintentional abridging included the end of an interview with a celebrity sex tape guru from, most of the in-studio severed foot appearance, a story about a guy killed by a taser, as well as a few calls on the Gamer Trough design phase and ingrown toenail surgery.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-07-29 Hour 2 (incomplete)
Filename: 2005-07-29 Hour 2 (incomplete).mp3 Size: 11.45 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-07-29 Hour 3 (incomplete)
Filename: 2005-07-29 Hour 3 (incomplete).mp3 Size: 6.41 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-07-29 Hour 4
Filename: 2005-07-29 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 15.36 MB

Monday, May 3, 2010

D&D - WKRK - July 28, 2005

Awwww CRAP of all the shows to only have audio for the first three hours. We missed the second half of the 2005 D&D Trivia Contest and the tranny waxing! From the sounds of the first half, it's pretty evident who was going to win. Other topics from this show included birthday phobias (Birthdays, Forgetting & Birthdays, Anxiety Over Gifts For), couples' dinner rules, zombie dogs, a VERY topical Dearborn Press & Guide racist political cartoon, and Rudy's failed profiles, as well as call-in segments about MindCandy's upcoming photoshoot, sneaking pictures on a camera phone, and reasons for a penis-ectomy.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-07-28 Hour 1
Filename: 2005-07-28 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.24 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-07-28 Hour 2
Filename: 2005-07-28 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.16 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2005-07-28 Hour 3
Filename: 2005-07-28 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 13.64 MB