Thursday, February 9, 2012

D&D - Feb 8, 2012

Topics from today's show included a story about the droves of people who misplaced their cars while attending the New York Jersey Giants' parade and/or rally, a list of what to do when approached by Jehovah's Witnesses, a split Hour 3 that covered a new New Brunswick police shooting as well as a discussion on property taxes in Jersey, a rant about the much-needed Port Authority audit, and a debate on the staying power of older musicians.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-02-08 Hour 1 (Dude, Where's My Car!)
Filename: 2012-02-08 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 18.8 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-02-08 Hour 2 (Jehovah's Witnesses)
Filename: 2012-02-08 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.8 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-02-08 Hour 3 (N.B. Police Shooting / NJ Property Taxes)
Filename: 2012-02-08 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.9 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-02-08 Hour 4 (Port Authority Audit)
Filename: 2012-02-08 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 17.3 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-02-08 Hour 5 (Older Music Acts)
Filename: 2012-02-08 Hour 5.mp3 Size: 17.0 MB

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