Monday, June 25, 2012

D&D - June 25, 2012

Did y'all enjoy last Friday's game, "What's That Smell?"  The game's "theme song" is "That Smell" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.  The band 3 Doors Down did a cover of the song about a decade ago and we put our own tweak to it, featuring some sound effects provided by Deminski's gag reflex...listen here:

3 Doors Down - "Jeff Smellin' 86"
Filename: 3 Doors Down - Jeff Smellin' 86.mp3 Size: 3.63 MB

Today's topics included a look at the soon-to-be-vetoed bill to decriminalize marijuana, a discussion on social cell phone violations, a rare triple-topics Hour #3 that included an interview with NJ-101.5's newsman Kevin McArdle about the NJ state budget, a short segment on the recent temporary evacuation of the Monmouth County courthouse, and a half-hour on the unfair lack of punishment given to a cop who stole $7,000 via gas station drive-offs, as well as a debate over the "obsoleteness" of paper and pens and some listener stories about simple twists of fate.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-06-25 Hour 1 (Decriminalizing Marijuana)
Filename: 2012-06-25 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 20.2 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-06-25 Hour 2 (Social Cell Phone Violations)
Filename: 2012-06-25 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.2 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-06-25 Hour 3 (NJ Budget / Monmouth Courthouse / Thin Blue Line)
Filename: 2012-06-25 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.1 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-06-25 Hour 4 (Paper & Pens Turning Obsolete)
Filename: 2012-06-25 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 17.9 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-06-25 Hour 5 (Simple Twists of Fate)
Filename: 2012-06-25 Hour 5.mp3 Size: 19.7 MB

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