Monday, July 9, 2012

D&D - July 9, 2012

Had a couple (30 sec & 2 min) dropouts in the 4pm hour.  Normally NJ-101.5 reairs the 4pm hour at 4am, but their recording must have been damaged as well, because they aired parts of the 5pm and 6pm hours instead. :/

Today's topics included two 2pm discussions on falling asleep at the wheel and sex offender disclosures on Facebook, a debate over roadside charities, a question about how proper it is to jail the elderly (when they commit crimes, not just in general), a look at the effect of the (not so) new pedestrian crosswalk law in New Jersey, and some listener stories about celebrity encounters.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-07-09 Hour 1 (Falling Asleep at the Wheel / Sex Offenders on FB)
Filename: 2012-07-09 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.2 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-07-09 Hour 2 (Roadside Charities)
Filename: 2012-07-09 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.2 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-07-09 Hour 3 (Jailing Old People [nuked])
Filename: 2012-07-09 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.7 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-07-09 Hour 4 (NJ Pedestrian Crosswalk Law)
Filename: 2012-07-09 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 17.1 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2012-07-09 Hour 5 (Celebrity Run-Ins)
Filename: 2012-07-09 Hour 5.mp3 Size: 19.3 MB

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