Seemed like a bit of an old-school show today. There was only one interview (an unannounced appearance by The Skipper), only one "Classic Rock"-themed story (a short update to the death of a member of the Rolling Stones from 40 years ago), and a four call-in segments. Listeners got to chime in their opinions on topics such as government intervention in parenting (see #1 below), the effects of booze vs. weed, and their experiences with rude bill collectors (we even had one "Collections Agent" call in). There was also a contest for callers to see who could tell the best "worst date ever" story. A few current events & local stories were touched on, ranging from the brass balls of a Clinton Township thief and the end of Jack Kevorkian's gag order to an update to the California kidnapping story. Rudy chipped in a "best
1. 13 YEAR OLD TO SAIL AROUND THE WORLD? (podcast) - A 13 year old girl wants to sail around the world alone...Her parents say yes, but the Dutch Government says no...Gene Hackman, Shelly Winters, Leonardo Dicaprio, Kate Winslet, George Clooney, Roy Scheider, Jack Sparrow, One-Eyed Willy, and Captain Hook could not be reached for comment...
2. U Of M AND RICH ROD (podcast) - The University of Michigan said that it will investigate the allegations of players and parents who made claims that the football team violated NCAA rules governing off-season workouts, in-season practices and summer scrimmages. At least the extra practices helped the team wi--Oh wait...FAIL!
3. JIM LEYLAND (podcast) - D&D talked to Jim Leyland "The Skipper" Monday morning! Great conversation about everything from Justin Verlander to the OVER 2 million fans this season...check out the podcast!
4. D-list Week of 8/31 (video) - Weekly D&D update video.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-08-31 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-08-31 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.12 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-08-31 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-08-31 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.15 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-08-31 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-08-31 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.94 MB
Just one additional (free) advertiser today:
Apple Driving School (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)