Hey, right-wing nutjobs -- a black man has led the country for a hundred days and the world has yet to explode. And as Melissa Harris-Lacewell said on Rachel Maddow last night, we ain't supposed to say this, but no one's taken a shot at him yet. With Joe Biden almost inadvertently starting a panic, maybe the racists and far-right extremists would rather take their chances with Obama. Just like it was during the Bush regime; we'd rather have an idiot than an evil overlord. I guess Pinocchio was better than Darth Vader. Here's a bit of what was else was discussed on D&D this morning, courtesy of WCSX.com:
1. CURSING IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS (podcast) - A judge handed down a hefty fine to a guy who cursed in front of his own daughter! If he wanted to $^%&, and &*^%$! in front of his kid, it’s fine by us!
2. TEXTSFROMLASTNIGHT.COM (podcast) - This website is hilarious! It’s all posted messages from different area codes…Some are drunk texts, others just personal comedy!
3. LADIES...WHAT’S YOUR MINIMUM? (podcast) - Ladies, do you have a minimum income for a man before you get married? Some of you actually do! To others, it’s all about love...hahahaha yeah right!
4. YOUR TIME TO GO (podcast) - Do you believe in "when it’s your time to go?" Some call it luck, fate, or destiny...We at the morning show would like to believe in "your time to win the Mega Millions!"
5. DON FELDER (podcast) - This morning the guys talked to Don Felder of Eagles fame...He has a new book called Heaven And Hell, and some interesting dirt!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-30 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-30 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.69 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-30 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-30 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 22.98 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-30 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-30 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 25.6 MB
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
D&D - Apr 29, 2009
Rudy had another crash and burn "encounter" with a chick (see beginning of Hour 1 from today and yesterday). Just give it up and go back to dudes, man. It's a sign from God. On that note, so is lung cancer. Seems odd that smoking and bicycles are two controversial topics on this show. Beats listening to bloviating political types or opposing sports nuts yell at each other.
We're a week and a half into the 3-hour show format. Other's than the recent mind-numbingly long interviews with Rod Allen, Gary Graff, and Rod Meloni, the show still seems to be runnning smoothly. At least one long segment with call-ins per day (like the smoking ban bit today) would be a good plan. But what do I know, I'm just a blogger without a journalism degree. Anyway, here's some more info from this morning's show from WCSX.com:
1. WORST TATTOOS EVER! (link) - A book called No Regrets: The Best, Worst & Most £$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever is packed with hundreds of hilarious, cringe-worthy and downright stupid examples of tattoos. Check out some of the worst tattoos ever!
2. PANDEMIC 2 (link) - With the recent panic over swine flu someone developed a game called Pandemic 2...Select your preferred life form to spread disease. Then infect everyone! Upgrade with delightful symptoms like vomiting, delirium and open sores. Yum, yum! Funny thing is we didn’t know there was a Pandemic 1! Click here to wipe out human life!
3. TUPAC HUNTER - SMOKING BAN (podcast) - US Senetor Tupac Hunter is working to get a smoking ban on the voting ballots. If approved - smoking would no longer be allowed in ANY public places. That includes bars. After speaking with Hunter, D&D got some feedback from the listeners on what they think of a smoking ban.
4. BILL DOYLE VS. JIM O’BRIEN (podcast) - Doyle and O'Brien’s work relationship and friendship are seriously at stake. The two are unable to agree onthe most popular "Movie Car." Hurtful words, and plenty of arguing ensues.
5. RECORD BREAKING BURGER (podcast) - A local restuarant named Mallies, is working on make the buggest hamburger EVER. How big? You ask - Thisenormous burger is going to weigh nearly 200lbs!
6. DOMINIC MONAGHAN (podcast) - D&D interviewed Dominic Monaghan, of LOST. As usual, Doyle uses his slick brain-ninja moves to try and get the LOSTcast member to answer his questions.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-29 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-29 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.99 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-29 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-29 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.55 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-29 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-29 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.97 MB
One new advertiser:
The Baby's Room
We're a week and a half into the 3-hour show format. Other's than the recent mind-numbingly long interviews with Rod Allen, Gary Graff, and Rod Meloni, the show still seems to be runnning smoothly. At least one long segment with call-ins per day (like the smoking ban bit today) would be a good plan. But what do I know, I'm just a blogger without a journalism degree. Anyway, here's some more info from this morning's show from WCSX.com:
1. WORST TATTOOS EVER! (link) - A book called No Regrets: The Best, Worst & Most £$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever is packed with hundreds of hilarious, cringe-worthy and downright stupid examples of tattoos. Check out some of the worst tattoos ever!
2. PANDEMIC 2 (link) - With the recent panic over swine flu someone developed a game called Pandemic 2...Select your preferred life form to spread disease. Then infect everyone! Upgrade with delightful symptoms like vomiting, delirium and open sores. Yum, yum! Funny thing is we didn’t know there was a Pandemic 1! Click here to wipe out human life!
3. TUPAC HUNTER - SMOKING BAN (podcast) - US Senetor Tupac Hunter is working to get a smoking ban on the voting ballots. If approved - smoking would no longer be allowed in ANY public places. That includes bars. After speaking with Hunter, D&D got some feedback from the listeners on what they think of a smoking ban.
4. BILL DOYLE VS. JIM O’BRIEN (podcast) - Doyle and O'Brien’s work relationship and friendship are seriously at stake. The two are unable to agree onthe most popular "Movie Car." Hurtful words, and plenty of arguing ensues.
5. RECORD BREAKING BURGER (podcast) - A local restuarant named Mallies, is working on make the buggest hamburger EVER. How big? You ask - Thisenormous burger is going to weigh nearly 200lbs!
6. DOMINIC MONAGHAN (podcast) - D&D interviewed Dominic Monaghan, of LOST. As usual, Doyle uses his slick brain-ninja moves to try and get the LOSTcast member to answer his questions.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-29 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-29 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.99 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-29 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-29 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.55 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-29 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-29 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.97 MB
One new advertiser:
The Baby's Room
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
D&D - Apr 28, 2009
So no more Pontiac. Guess that means no more songs about Pontiacs. That sucks. But we own half of GM, right? That's...good...I guess. In other news, zombie pigs have begun to fly and they're all going to give us the flu. Run for your lives! It's the end of the world as we know it! (See the podcast #6 below.) And for a couple news items that didn't get mentioned on D&D (but are still funny), see "Angry Beaver Rescued From [Man]Hole" and "Viagra Rival Has Success On Rats." That Viagra rival? It's a topical cream. And some lab assistant had to test out its effectiveness on rats. Think about that for a second. Here's some notes from today's show, thanks to WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS - GET THOSE PICTURES IN [deadline next Mon]! (info from last week) -
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it's more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We're going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.
Thanks to everyone at Stahls' ID direct for creating the banner, plus so MUCH more for this project (Elaine and everyone are amazing! - click here to check them out)
2. GREAT HOCKEY FIGHT IN SAN JOSE / ANAHEIM GAME (video) - Check out this fight at the beginning of the game between Thorton and Getzlaf
3. NOISY SEX (podcast) - If your were exposed to your neighbors having noisy sex...How would you respond? 1) Show up with a video camera and say "This would make a great keepsake." 2) Call the cops? 3) Move? Hmmmmmm...
4. ATHEISTS (podcast) - Ah the age old discussion about a "higher being." Is there a God? Do you believe in some sort of higher being? Well you will when Father Merrin shows up at your door to lance a demon!
5. ROD ALLEN (podcast) - The guys talked to FSN’s Rod Allen today about all things Detroit Tigers...Verlander was great last night...and Brandon Inge is red hot!
6. DEATH POOL DAVE/SWINE FLU (podcast) - Death Pool Dave is a friend of the show and an expert on doomsday...Before you lock yourself in a farm house and block the windows to escape the infected...listen to this...[D&D also played a funny clip about Swine Flu from The Daily Show early in the show and right at the end at 9am]
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-28 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-28 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.74 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-28 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-28 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.95 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-28 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-28 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 24.37 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS - GET THOSE PICTURES IN [deadline next Mon]! (info from last week) -
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it's more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We're going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.

Thanks to everyone at Stahls' ID direct for creating the banner, plus so MUCH more for this project (Elaine and everyone are amazing! - click here to check them out)
2. GREAT HOCKEY FIGHT IN SAN JOSE / ANAHEIM GAME (video) - Check out this fight at the beginning of the game between Thorton and Getzlaf
3. NOISY SEX (podcast) - If your were exposed to your neighbors having noisy sex...How would you respond? 1) Show up with a video camera and say "This would make a great keepsake." 2) Call the cops? 3) Move? Hmmmmmm...
4. ATHEISTS (podcast) - Ah the age old discussion about a "higher being." Is there a God? Do you believe in some sort of higher being? Well you will when Father Merrin shows up at your door to lance a demon!
5. ROD ALLEN (podcast) - The guys talked to FSN’s Rod Allen today about all things Detroit Tigers...Verlander was great last night...and Brandon Inge is red hot!
6. DEATH POOL DAVE/SWINE FLU (podcast) - Death Pool Dave is a friend of the show and an expert on doomsday...Before you lock yourself in a farm house and block the windows to escape the infected...listen to this...[D&D also played a funny clip about Swine Flu from The Daily Show early in the show and right at the end at 9am]
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-28 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-28 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.74 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-28 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-28 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.95 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-28 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-28 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 24.37 MB
Monday, April 27, 2009
D&D - Apr 27, 2009
The commercial issue from last Friday must have been stop-gap thing, as there some new, equally annoying infomercials in the webstream today. Nobody really wants to sell their gold for cash, no one wants to call your rip-off credit restoration service, and we're not interested in "The Secret," Scientology, or learning how 9/11 was an inside job. On a side note, Daniel Sunjata is a moron and shame on the producers and writers of Rescue Me for giving him a stage to spew his crackpot conspiracy theories. Anyway, back to D&D...funny show this morning, definitely worth a listen. Yes, D&D haters, the segment about TV and radio personalities flipping out on the air has been done before, but it's topical and it's still damn funny. Also, click here to hear Doyle's nickname for Rudy's band Mindcandy. And click here to play "Celebrity Dead or Alive" with D&D. Here are some more topics from today's show, courtesy of WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS - GET THOSE PICTURES IN! (info from last week) -
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it's more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We're going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.
Thanks to everyone at Stahls' ID direct for creating the banner, plus so MUCH more for this project (Elaine and everyone are amazing! - click here to check them out)
2. PICTURES FROM J GEILS (pics) - Special thanks to J Geils Band and all the listeners for making the WCSX Birthday Breakdown awesome! Here are somepictures from Friday nights show!
3. ROB PARKER IN STUDIO (podcast) - Rob Parker stopped by to chat about his exciting new gig writing for Click On Detroit. You can catch his columnMonday, Wednesday, and Friday.
4. VINYL RECORDS (podcast) - D&D ask the listeners- Do you still have vinyl records? How big is your collection? Do you still listen to them? Somecallers had pretty impressive collections to talk about.
5. RUDY’S A HOME OWNER! (podcast) - Rudy is a first time home owner. D&D took it upon themselves to invite every Metro Detroiter to Rudy’s new houseto celebrate. Rudy will be providing the food, booze, music, and women.
6. DUMPSTER SEX (podcast) - Really!? Can you possibly think of anything sexier or more romantic than having sex in a DUMPSTER? One couple thoughtthis was a good idea.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-27 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-27 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.69 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-27 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-27 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.75 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-27 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-27 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 24.94 MB
One more (real) sponsor to list today:
Timbuktu Internet Cafe at Great Lakes Crossing
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS - GET THOSE PICTURES IN! (info from last week) -
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it's more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We're going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.

Thanks to everyone at Stahls' ID direct for creating the banner, plus so MUCH more for this project (Elaine and everyone are amazing! - click here to check them out)
2. PICTURES FROM J GEILS (pics) - Special thanks to J Geils Band and all the listeners for making the WCSX Birthday Breakdown awesome! Here are somepictures from Friday nights show!
3. ROB PARKER IN STUDIO (podcast) - Rob Parker stopped by to chat about his exciting new gig writing for Click On Detroit. You can catch his columnMonday, Wednesday, and Friday.
4. VINYL RECORDS (podcast) - D&D ask the listeners- Do you still have vinyl records? How big is your collection? Do you still listen to them? Somecallers had pretty impressive collections to talk about.
5. RUDY’S A HOME OWNER! (podcast) - Rudy is a first time home owner. D&D took it upon themselves to invite every Metro Detroiter to Rudy’s new houseto celebrate. Rudy will be providing the food, booze, music, and women.
6. DUMPSTER SEX (podcast) - Really!? Can you possibly think of anything sexier or more romantic than having sex in a DUMPSTER? One couple thoughtthis was a good idea.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-27 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-27 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.69 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-27 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-27 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.75 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-27 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-27 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 24.94 MB
One more (real) sponsor to list today:
Timbuktu Internet Cafe at Great Lakes Crossing
Friday, April 24, 2009
D&D - Apr 24, 2009
Someone fell asleep at the switch again today at the studio -- the webstream was again a mirror of the radio broadcast. On the plus side, there's no Internet-only infomercials and instead more "normal" ads, but on the down side (if you want to look at it that way), there are a bit more commercials in the recordings today. Oh well, it's good for you -- support the sponsors of the Deminski & Doyle Show (new ones listed at the bottom). Here are some today from today's show from WCSX.com:
ALL ABOUT FACES NOT NUMBERS [audio clip from Channel 4 news report from WCSX at beginning of Hour 2]
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it's more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.
Thanks to everyone at Stahls' ID direct for creating the banner, plus so MUCH more for this project (Elaine and everyone are amazing! - click here to check them out)
2. IS YOUR MAN GAY? (link to quiz) - Nobody wants to think their significant other is playing for the other team, but anything is possible. Some men are in a committed relationship and living on the down low. Is there a chance your man might prefer the company of men? Take our telling quiz and find out if you’re at risk for losing your man to the handsome guy next door.
3. BABY NAME HORROR (podcast) - Jeff has a friend whose wife is expecting a baby. Unfortunatly...this friend has very poor judgement when it comes to NAMING said baby. Jeff staged an emergency intervention to try and save an innocent child from a lifetime of ridicule.
4. RUNNING OF THE PITBULLS (podcast) - D&D think that since Nicole Salem is a pitbull owner/lover - that several listeners should bring in their pet pitbulls to run around and play with Nicole. It turns out- Nicole is up for the challenge!
5. BEST BURGERS (podcast) - D&D went over a list of some of the best burgers you can find in Metro Detroit. Jeff had a melt down because the place that serves his favorite burger is not on the list.Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-24 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-24 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.03 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-24 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-24 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.72 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-24 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-24 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 26.11 MB
Have a ton of new sponsors to list:
K&G Fashion Superstore
Johnsonville Sausage
Motor City Powersports
Performance Floor
Fox Sports Detroit
National City
Scott's Easy Seed
ABC Warehouse
Southgate Lincoln / Mercury
Mario's Restaurant
Invest in America -- Credit Union Member Enhancement program for US-made autos
ALL ABOUT FACES NOT NUMBERS [audio clip from Channel 4 news report from WCSX at beginning of Hour 2]
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it's more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.

Thanks to everyone at Stahls' ID direct for creating the banner, plus so MUCH more for this project (Elaine and everyone are amazing! - click here to check them out)
2. IS YOUR MAN GAY? (link to quiz) - Nobody wants to think their significant other is playing for the other team, but anything is possible. Some men are in a committed relationship and living on the down low. Is there a chance your man might prefer the company of men? Take our telling quiz and find out if you’re at risk for losing your man to the handsome guy next door.
3. BABY NAME HORROR (podcast) - Jeff has a friend whose wife is expecting a baby. Unfortunatly...this friend has very poor judgement when it comes to NAMING said baby. Jeff staged an emergency intervention to try and save an innocent child from a lifetime of ridicule.
4. RUNNING OF THE PITBULLS (podcast) - D&D think that since Nicole Salem is a pitbull owner/lover - that several listeners should bring in their pet pitbulls to run around and play with Nicole. It turns out- Nicole is up for the challenge!
5. BEST BURGERS (podcast) - D&D went over a list of some of the best burgers you can find in Metro Detroit. Jeff had a melt down because the place that serves his favorite burger is not on the list.Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-24 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-24 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.03 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-24 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-24 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.72 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-24 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-24 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 26.11 MB
Have a ton of new sponsors to list:
K&G Fashion Superstore
Johnsonville Sausage
Motor City Powersports
Performance Floor
Fox Sports Detroit
National City
Scott's Easy Seed
ABC Warehouse
Southgate Lincoln / Mercury
Mario's Restaurant
Invest in America -- Credit Union Member Enhancement program for US-made autos
Thursday, April 23, 2009
D&D - Apr 23, 2009
Wings set to sweep tonight; D&D got to talk to the Wings fan who octo-fied the Blue Jackets' home ice. Seriously, how do you sit with a stinky octopus for more than two hours without either puking or having anyone else notice? And the interview with Ty Barnett made me wish that the new season of Last Comic Standing would hurry up and start. One of the TV shows I watched got canceled and just aired its last episode, one has it's season finale next week, and another is going on summer hiatus in a couple weeks. Anyone got some summer TV or movie recommendations?
Other news -- you can meet Nicole Salem and Hooter Girls [is she trying out?] Saturday May 9th at Roseville Powersports:

And Jeff went off on a caller today -- the old Deminski is back! Here are some other notes from this morning's show, courtesy of WCSX.com:
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it's more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We're going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.
2. TV REPORTER ARRESTED AT CRASH SCENE (article / link to video) - Police Chief Greg Allen on Tuesday said an officer may have overreacted when arresting a Channel 7-KVIA reporter and photographer at the scene of a crash. After watching a video of the incident, Allen said he believed Sgt. Raul Ramirez "somewhat overreacted" and did not confront all bystanders. See the full story and watch the video...
3. DAISY DE LA HOYA - OH YEAH (pics) - "Daisy of Love" premieres Sunday at 9pm on VH1.
4. OCTOPUS GUY (podcast) - D&D got a hold of a Red Wings fan named Greg who attended a Wings playoff game against Columbus - IN Columbus. Greg innocently decided to bring an octopus to throw on the ice to celebrate the win. Then things got violent for Greg when a Blue Jays fan did not appreciate the octopus throwing.
5. VIOLENT WOMEN (podcast) - Why does it seem that woman can commit violence aganst men and get away with it? Even more disturbing - why is it that THE GUY gets arrested after being beaten up by a chick?
6. DAISY DE LA HOYA (podcast) - Remember Daisy? That smokin’ hot, tattooed girl from Rock of Love 2 with Bret Michaels? Daisy has her own show now, and D&D were more than happy to hear about it.
7. EASPOINT PITBULL ATTACK (podcast) - D&D talk about a terrible tragedy that happened in Eastpointe. A family’s Pitbull mauled their 11 month old son to death. Are Pitbulls to blame? Or do we blame irresponsible owners?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-23 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-23 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 23.33 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-23 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-23 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 22.23 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-23 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-23 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.27 MB
New sports sponsor:
Boston Market
Other news -- you can meet Nicole Salem and Hooter Girls [is she trying out?] Saturday May 9th at Roseville Powersports:

And Jeff went off on a caller today -- the old Deminski is back! Here are some other notes from this morning's show, courtesy of WCSX.com:
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it's more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We're going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.
2. TV REPORTER ARRESTED AT CRASH SCENE (article / link to video) - Police Chief Greg Allen on Tuesday said an officer may have overreacted when arresting a Channel 7-KVIA reporter and photographer at the scene of a crash. After watching a video of the incident, Allen said he believed Sgt. Raul Ramirez "somewhat overreacted" and did not confront all bystanders. See the full story and watch the video...
3. DAISY DE LA HOYA - OH YEAH (pics) - "Daisy of Love" premieres Sunday at 9pm on VH1.
4. OCTOPUS GUY (podcast) - D&D got a hold of a Red Wings fan named Greg who attended a Wings playoff game against Columbus - IN Columbus. Greg innocently decided to bring an octopus to throw on the ice to celebrate the win. Then things got violent for Greg when a Blue Jays fan did not appreciate the octopus throwing.
5. VIOLENT WOMEN (podcast) - Why does it seem that woman can commit violence aganst men and get away with it? Even more disturbing - why is it that THE GUY gets arrested after being beaten up by a chick?
6. DAISY DE LA HOYA (podcast) - Remember Daisy? That smokin’ hot, tattooed girl from Rock of Love 2 with Bret Michaels? Daisy has her own show now, and D&D were more than happy to hear about it.
7. EASPOINT PITBULL ATTACK (podcast) - D&D talk about a terrible tragedy that happened in Eastpointe. A family’s Pitbull mauled their 11 month old son to death. Are Pitbulls to blame? Or do we blame irresponsible owners?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-23 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-23 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 23.33 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-23 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-23 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 22.23 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-23 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-23 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.27 MB
New sports sponsor:
Boston Market
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
D&D - Apr 22, 2009
As the podcast description says, only on D&D can you "speak" to Stephen Hawking and talk about porn in the same segment. Critics of the show have historically complained that D&D recycle the same topics over and over -- I disagree. In my opinion, the guys have always done a great job of interspersing both topical discussions (e.g. Detroit politics, current news, celebrity interviews) and timeless topics (e.g. sex, drugs, & rock 'n' roll) with their own unique brand of humor. The Deminski & Doyle Show can be many different things -- background noise, in-depth discussion, bathroom humor, or sometimes just a place to vent. The fact that they can keep a four three-hour show lively and worth listening to every day is a compliment to everyone involved.
Some notes from today's show from WCSX.com:
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.
1. FACEBOOK MANNERS - GREAT VIDEO (video) - Check out this video about Facebook and manners...we could all learn something from this.
2. STACEY ANDERSON - THE COUGAR (pic) - Stacey Anderson - The Cougar (Wednesday night @ 10pm on TVLand)...yes sir!
3. AUTO WORKER RANT (video) - An auto worker went on a rant and posted it on you tube. With the failing economy, and job loss do you blame him?
4. THE COUGAR (podcast) - Stacey Anderson is "The Cougar." She is a 40 year old hottie looking for love with a younger man..."The Cougar" airs Wednesdays at 10pm on TV Land...Did we mention she is 40 and smokin hot?
5. THINGS YOU DID DRIVING YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDN’T (podcast) - What do you do while driving that you know you shouldn’t? Text, eat, change, read the paper? The list goes on...Come on, you know you have done some of these!
6. STEPHEN HAWKING/PORN QUIZ (podcast) - Stephen Hawking was hospitalized the other day...D&D had the chance to speak with him on his current condition...Also, are you addicted to porn? Listen to this quiz...Hawking and porn only on the Deminski and Doyle Show!
7. CHRIS CHELIOS (podcast) - Hall Of Fame defenseman Chris Chelios checked in to talk all things Red Wings, and The Stanley Cup Playoffs...The beard is back!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-22 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-22 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.05 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-22 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-22 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 24.83 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-22 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-22 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.21 MB
One new traffic sponsor:
Little Caesar's
Some notes from today's show from WCSX.com:
We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it's REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) and then we'll unveil it to the Administration.
1. FACEBOOK MANNERS - GREAT VIDEO (video) - Check out this video about Facebook and manners...we could all learn something from this.
2. STACEY ANDERSON - THE COUGAR (pic) - Stacey Anderson - The Cougar (Wednesday night @ 10pm on TVLand)...yes sir!
3. AUTO WORKER RANT (video) - An auto worker went on a rant and posted it on you tube. With the failing economy, and job loss do you blame him?
4. THE COUGAR (podcast) - Stacey Anderson is "The Cougar." She is a 40 year old hottie looking for love with a younger man..."The Cougar" airs Wednesdays at 10pm on TV Land...Did we mention she is 40 and smokin hot?
5. THINGS YOU DID DRIVING YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDN’T (podcast) - What do you do while driving that you know you shouldn’t? Text, eat, change, read the paper? The list goes on...Come on, you know you have done some of these!
6. STEPHEN HAWKING/PORN QUIZ (podcast) - Stephen Hawking was hospitalized the other day...D&D had the chance to speak with him on his current condition...Also, are you addicted to porn? Listen to this quiz...Hawking and porn only on the Deminski and Doyle Show!
7. CHRIS CHELIOS (podcast) - Hall Of Fame defenseman Chris Chelios checked in to talk all things Red Wings, and The Stanley Cup Playoffs...The beard is back!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-22 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-22 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.05 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-22 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-22 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 24.83 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-22 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-22 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.21 MB
One new traffic sponsor:
Little Caesar's
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
D&D - Apr 21, 2009
I guess my "new, circumcised D&D Show" comment from yesterday was a little bit of foreshadowing (see podcast below). The guys also announced a new way to communicate with the show -- you can text them at 71913 "keyword" WCSX (what is this, AOL?) -- to go with the e-mail and the webcam comments. And the new Lions logo is gay, according to Tom Lewand. Here's a little bit more from this morning's show, thanks to WCSX.com:
1. D&D ON FOX 2 (video link) - D&D scored a spot on Fox 2 Monday night to promote the "Faces Not Numbers" Campaign...If you are out of the loop watch the video here...
2. TO CUT, OR NOT...THAT IS THE QUESTION (podcast) - It's the age old question about circumcision. Are you for it? Against it? And most importantly - do babies *remember* it? One this is for sure - it seems not circumsizing is becoming less rare - and even accepted.
3. E-CIGARETTE AND HAIRY DARREN (podcast) - We sent Rudy out and about with his nifty new "E-Cigarette" to try and gauge the reaction it got - especially in non smoking places. Also, Hairy Darren stopped by to test the Razorba Back Shaver - a device that allows hairy guys to shave their own back. Lucky for Darren, Nicole Salem was a sweetie and lathered him up with shave cream.
4. ELRICK AND SCHAEFER (podcast) - M.L. Elrick and Jim Schaefer, of the Detroit Free Press won the Pulitzer for their extraordinary work exposing the Kwame-Text Gate scandal. Congrats guys!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-21 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-21 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.76 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-21 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-21 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.42 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-21 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-21 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.89 MB
Two new traffic sponsors:
Advil PM
1. D&D ON FOX 2 (video link) - D&D scored a spot on Fox 2 Monday night to promote the "Faces Not Numbers" Campaign...If you are out of the loop watch the video here...
2. TO CUT, OR NOT...THAT IS THE QUESTION (podcast) - It's the age old question about circumcision. Are you for it? Against it? And most importantly - do babies *remember* it? One this is for sure - it seems not circumsizing is becoming less rare - and even accepted.
3. E-CIGARETTE AND HAIRY DARREN (podcast) - We sent Rudy out and about with his nifty new "E-Cigarette" to try and gauge the reaction it got - especially in non smoking places. Also, Hairy Darren stopped by to test the Razorba Back Shaver - a device that allows hairy guys to shave their own back. Lucky for Darren, Nicole Salem was a sweetie and lathered him up with shave cream.
4. ELRICK AND SCHAEFER (podcast) - M.L. Elrick and Jim Schaefer, of the Detroit Free Press won the Pulitzer for their extraordinary work exposing the Kwame-Text Gate scandal. Congrats guys!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-21 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-21 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.76 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-21 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-21 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.42 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-21 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-21 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.89 MB
Two new traffic sponsors:
Advil PM
Monday, April 20, 2009
D&D - Apr 20, 2009
Day one of the new, circumcised D&D Show was this morning. On 4:20 day. Seemed like it was a lot shorter than three hours to me...maybe it would've seemed longer if I was on weed. Former Detroit radio personality Gregg Henson read between the lines a bit and says Deminski is not happy with the change. Thanks for the tip, Einstein. Would you be happy if you show got truncated? There may be another major change in store for the show; we may be seeing a new traffic girl soon (listen to the very beginning of Hour 1 for the reason why). Here's a few more notes from the show from WCSX.com:
1. ARE YOU A VIDEO GAME ADDICT? (link) - So you spend hours playing Call of Duty, World of Warcraft and Super Mario Kart...but you’re not addicted - right? click here to find out the truth!
2. RUDY AND THE E-CIGARETTE (podcast) - Today Rudy actually got to test his new "E-Cigarette," the smokeless, go-anywhere cigarette. D&D took calls on where Rudy should attempt to "smoke" tomorrow. One thing’s for sure - hilarity WILL ensue.
3. OH MONICA... (podcast) - A delightful D&D style debate: What would you rather do than spend time talking to Monica Conyers? Take a needle to the eye? Shoot yourself in the foot? What physical pain are you willing to endure to avoid Monica at all costs?
4. DANIEL SEKULICH (podcast) - D&D got to chat with Daniel Sekulich about his book Terror on the Seas: True Tales of Modern Day Pirates. Look for it in stores on May 12th!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-20 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-20 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.02 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-20 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-20 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 22.25 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-20 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-20 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.92 MB
One new sponsor:
Buddy's Pizza
1. ARE YOU A VIDEO GAME ADDICT? (link) - So you spend hours playing Call of Duty, World of Warcraft and Super Mario Kart...but you’re not addicted - right? click here to find out the truth!
2. RUDY AND THE E-CIGARETTE (podcast) - Today Rudy actually got to test his new "E-Cigarette," the smokeless, go-anywhere cigarette. D&D took calls on where Rudy should attempt to "smoke" tomorrow. One thing’s for sure - hilarity WILL ensue.
3. OH MONICA... (podcast) - A delightful D&D style debate: What would you rather do than spend time talking to Monica Conyers? Take a needle to the eye? Shoot yourself in the foot? What physical pain are you willing to endure to avoid Monica at all costs?
4. DANIEL SEKULICH (podcast) - D&D got to chat with Daniel Sekulich about his book Terror on the Seas: True Tales of Modern Day Pirates. Look for it in stores on May 12th!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-20 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-20 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.02 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-20 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-20 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 22.25 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-20 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-20 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.92 MB
One new sponsor:
Buddy's Pizza
Friday, April 17, 2009
D&D - Apr 17, 2009
Breaking news -- D&D announced at the end of the show today that the bigwigs at WCSX are cutting their show down by 75%. The new timeslot, starting next Monday, will be 6am-9am. What ya gonna do? A lot of syndicated radio programs have three-hour shows. And WCSX's former morning show, JJ & Lynne, also used to end at 9am -- but they also used to start at 5am. I'm 99% sure D&D have always had a four-hour show, all the way back to their show in New Jersey on WKXW 101.5.
The in-studio webcam is still up and running. Here's a few screencaps:
Jason is looking suave today.
Jim is sad.
Jim and...Leah the Intern perhaps?...clean up the egg-mess (see below).
Jeff looks like Dave Barry.
Also, did Doyle drop an f-bomb on the air today? You be the judge. There was also a confusing segment towards the end of the 7 o'clock hour where I think Jeff was trying to justify marrying his cousin. Here's a bit more from the show from WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. SLAPSHOT TRIVIA! (podcast) - Here’s how it works - callers are given Red Wings trivia questions. If they get it right - they have an opportunity to win tickets to Game 2 of the Red Wings playoffs AND limo transportation. If the caller gets it wrong - Rudy gets a slapshot to the face with a (non hardboiled) egg. Things got VERY messy in the studio. [See pics webcam here, here, and here]
3. CHRIS CHELIOS (podcast) - Chris Chelios called in to discuss last nights game 1 in the playoffs against the Blue Jackets, and it turns out - he has a very interesting story to tell about a road trip [with Ted Lindsay]...
4. THE GADGET GRAVE YARD (podcast) - Certain gadgets and technologies going to be gone before we know it. Some of them we expected, some are a bit more surprising. Doyle has a hard time believing that no one wears a wrist watch anymore. It wouldn’t surprise us if Doyle still uses a sun dial.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-17 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-17 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.02 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-17 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-17 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.47 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-17 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-17 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 20.69 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-17 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-17 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 20.78 MB
A couple more sponsors to list:
Ferndale Recreation
The in-studio webcam is still up and running. Here's a few screencaps:
Jason is looking suave today.
Jim is sad.
Jim and...Leah the Intern perhaps?...clean up the egg-mess (see below).
Jeff looks like Dave Barry.
Also, did Doyle drop an f-bomb on the air today? You be the judge. There was also a confusing segment towards the end of the 7 o'clock hour where I think Jeff was trying to justify marrying his cousin. Here's a bit more from the show from WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. SLAPSHOT TRIVIA! (podcast) - Here’s how it works - callers are given Red Wings trivia questions. If they get it right - they have an opportunity to win tickets to Game 2 of the Red Wings playoffs AND limo transportation. If the caller gets it wrong - Rudy gets a slapshot to the face with a (non hardboiled) egg. Things got VERY messy in the studio. [See pics webcam here, here, and here]
3. CHRIS CHELIOS (podcast) - Chris Chelios called in to discuss last nights game 1 in the playoffs against the Blue Jackets, and it turns out - he has a very interesting story to tell about a road trip [with Ted Lindsay]...
4. THE GADGET GRAVE YARD (podcast) - Certain gadgets and technologies going to be gone before we know it. Some of them we expected, some are a bit more surprising. Doyle has a hard time believing that no one wears a wrist watch anymore. It wouldn’t surprise us if Doyle still uses a sun dial.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-17 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-17 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.02 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-17 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-17 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.47 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-17 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-17 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 20.69 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-17 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-17 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 20.78 MB
A couple more sponsors to list:
Ferndale Recreation
Thursday, April 16, 2009
D&D - Apr 16, 2009
The real season begins tonight for the Red Wings. One lucky D&D listener won tickets and a limo ride this morning by locating Rudy's new home. I wonder what a wall of medieval weapons would look like on the inside wall of a dumpster? In other news, there was rampant teabagging going on across the country yesterday. No mention of this on D&D; maybe they were worried about another FCC fine? There was another discussion about fat people on airplanes -- I'll agree with the airline, if your ass takes up two seats, you need to pay for two seats. Here's a bit more from today's show, courtesy of WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. FATWA!! (podcast) - In the early days of Islam, Fatwa were given to provide guidance on how subtle points of Islamic law should be interpreted. On the D&D show, listeners call in to issue their own Fatwas.
3. RUDY GOES DUMPSTER DIVING (podcast) - Rudy embraced his natural habitat by climbing into a dumpster. Then 4 listeners scrambled to find which dumspter he was hiding in. The point? The first listener to find him won tickets to tonight’s Red Wings playoff game!
4. WEIRD WEAPONS (podcast [3/2/2012 - Updated Mediafire link]) - Rudy has decided that he needs to spice up his living space and do some redecorating. He has decided he wants to aquire a whole bunch of strange (and mostly illegal) weapons to hang on his wall. Hmm...sounds like someone has been playing too much World Of Warcraft.
5. KIRK MALTBY (podcast) - Kirk Maltby called in to the D&D show to talk about the big game tonight! It’s Game one in the playoffs against the Columbus Bluejackets. GO WINGS!!!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-16 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-16 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 20.57 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-16 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-16 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 24.74 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-16 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-16 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.7 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-16 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-16 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 18.58 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. FATWA!! (podcast) - In the early days of Islam, Fatwa were given to provide guidance on how subtle points of Islamic law should be interpreted. On the D&D show, listeners call in to issue their own Fatwas.
3. RUDY GOES DUMPSTER DIVING (podcast) - Rudy embraced his natural habitat by climbing into a dumpster. Then 4 listeners scrambled to find which dumspter he was hiding in. The point? The first listener to find him won tickets to tonight’s Red Wings playoff game!
4. WEIRD WEAPONS (podcast [3/2/2012 - Updated Mediafire link]) - Rudy has decided that he needs to spice up his living space and do some redecorating. He has decided he wants to aquire a whole bunch of strange (and mostly illegal) weapons to hang on his wall. Hmm...sounds like someone has been playing too much World Of Warcraft.
5. KIRK MALTBY (podcast) - Kirk Maltby called in to the D&D show to talk about the big game tonight! It’s Game one in the playoffs against the Columbus Bluejackets. GO WINGS!!!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-16 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-16 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 20.57 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-16 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-16 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 24.74 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-16 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-16 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.7 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-16 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-16 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 18.58 MB
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
D&D - Apr 15, 2009
Dear God, D&D have a live webcam set up now. Oh, the horrors that will be released from that studio. But they will need to keep it within FCC guidelines. No more on-air makeout sessions for Jeff & Bill, no more on-air corqphanorshing for Rudy, no more on-air Nicole Salem lapdances for Jim, and no more grooming the junior to his own mirror image for Jason. Here's a bit more from this morning's show from WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. RUDY’S TRAIN STATION PICTURES (pics) - Detroit wants to demolish Michigan Central Station because it is an eye sore...Some dude filed a lawsuit putting the demolition on hold...Rudy snuck into Michigan Central Station a while back and took some sweet pictures!
3. SEXY TV COMMERCIALS (link) - Here is a video list of the 10 Sexiest TV Commercials of all time...We started talking about sexy TV commercials because of the Burger King campaign Sponge Bob Square Butt/Sir Mix-O-Lot ad...Just remember "booty is booty!"
4. TASERS (podcast) - Recently we have been hearing alot of news stories where people have DIED after being Tasered. Are Taser guns safe? Are police relying on them too often?
5. DODGEBALL (podcast) - What’s the deal with not allowing our children to play dodgeball? Are we right to be concerned that it teaches them to be bullies and participate in violent behavior? Or are we turning our kids in to a bunch of wussie little pansies?
6. TAX DAY (podcast) - Well folks, today is the day. Chances are you either feel very good because you are getting a tax refund, or you are feeling really awful because you just found out you owe the IRS a crap load of money. The good news is that Bill Doyle is not going to jail.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-15 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-15 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.54 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-15 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-15 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 22.52 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-15 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-15 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 19.51 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-15 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-15 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 20.69 MB
One new traffic sponsor:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. RUDY’S TRAIN STATION PICTURES (pics) - Detroit wants to demolish Michigan Central Station because it is an eye sore...Some dude filed a lawsuit putting the demolition on hold...Rudy snuck into Michigan Central Station a while back and took some sweet pictures!
3. SEXY TV COMMERCIALS (link) - Here is a video list of the 10 Sexiest TV Commercials of all time...We started talking about sexy TV commercials because of the Burger King campaign Sponge Bob Square Butt/Sir Mix-O-Lot ad...Just remember "booty is booty!"
4. TASERS (podcast) - Recently we have been hearing alot of news stories where people have DIED after being Tasered. Are Taser guns safe? Are police relying on them too often?
5. DODGEBALL (podcast) - What’s the deal with not allowing our children to play dodgeball? Are we right to be concerned that it teaches them to be bullies and participate in violent behavior? Or are we turning our kids in to a bunch of wussie little pansies?
6. TAX DAY (podcast) - Well folks, today is the day. Chances are you either feel very good because you are getting a tax refund, or you are feeling really awful because you just found out you owe the IRS a crap load of money. The good news is that Bill Doyle is not going to jail.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-15 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-15 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.54 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-15 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-15 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 22.52 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-15 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-15 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 19.51 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-15 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-15 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 20.69 MB
One new traffic sponsor:
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
D&D - Apr 14, 2009
R.I.P. Mark Fidrych. He makes the second athlete to pass away after I got his autograph. No one would ever guess the first -- if you do, I'll personally send you ten bucks. D&D talked to Ernie Harwell about the passing of "The Bird" as well as playing a couple old interview clips of Fidrych. Mr. Awesome Segue says they also talked to Captain Sig Hansen from the TV show Deadliest Catch before taking calls regarding Ask Men's top dangerous jobs list. And another caller swore on the air. Here's a little more from today's show, courtesy of WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. SURPRISE TALENT! (links to video) - "American Idol" isn’t the only launching pad for aspiring singers. Across the pond, "Britain’s Got Talent" scored a huge boost in the Buzz after an unassuming contestant gave an amazing performance. Susan Boyle (remember that name) became a Web phenomenon after singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables. The performance brought the audience to its feet and left the judges (including Simon Cowell) either speechless or in tears. Before going on stage, Ms. Boyle admitted some self-deprecating facts about herself (she's never been kissed and lives alone with her cat, Pebbles). For those reasons and more, audiences were expecting the female William Hung. They were wrong. Check out the video here! Paul Potts, was also launched into stardom by winning a previous season of "Britain’s Got Talent." He is not the best looking dude in the world, but he sure put the judges in their place! Check out the video here! Paul also does a mean cover of "Ding Fries Are Done!"
3. ERNIE HARWELL (podcast) - This morning D&D spoke with Hall Of Fame Broadcaster Ernie Harwell on the passing of Mark "The Bird" Fidrych...Bird you will be missed!
4. THE RODENATOR (podcast) - The Rodenator assists landowners with the removal of most species of underground burrowing pests. The Rodenator currently is offered in two versions. Both the Pro and R2 Remote work on the principal of delivering a precisely measured mixture of propane and oxygen into the tunnel or burrow of invasive pests. This mixture is then detonated by the operator, causing an instantaneous underground shock wave of concussive force that eliminates the pests and in some (species specific) cases collapses some of the existing tunnel structure thus preventing immediate re-infestation. Carl Spackler says, "Man, free to kill gophers at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that’s all she wrote."
5. ROCK STAR RUN-INS (podcast) - Have you ever run into a rock star? We took calls on people that met a rock star and whether they were cool or not...Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, and Freddy Mercury could not be reached for comment...Mark Walhberg was quoted, "You know, I'm just a regular guy who grew up with the posters of these guys on my wall...and now I’m one of them!" So stand up and shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooout!
6. THE RAZORBA (podcast) - Listen up hairy guys! There is a novel invention called the razorba. It's a hand-held device that allows you to SHAVE YOUR OWN BACK! D&D found a lucky listener that is going to be coming in to the studio to test it out.
7. KNOW YOUR PORN (podcast) - In honor of the late Marylin Chambers, D&D talked about everyone’s favorite topic - PORN. And more importantly - how well do you know your porn? [Doyle aced this quiz...should we be scared?]
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-14 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-14 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.9 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-14 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-14 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.25 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-14 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-14 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 19.33 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-14 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-14 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 18.81 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. SURPRISE TALENT! (links to video) - "American Idol" isn’t the only launching pad for aspiring singers. Across the pond, "Britain’s Got Talent" scored a huge boost in the Buzz after an unassuming contestant gave an amazing performance. Susan Boyle (remember that name) became a Web phenomenon after singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables. The performance brought the audience to its feet and left the judges (including Simon Cowell) either speechless or in tears. Before going on stage, Ms. Boyle admitted some self-deprecating facts about herself (she's never been kissed and lives alone with her cat, Pebbles). For those reasons and more, audiences were expecting the female William Hung. They were wrong. Check out the video here! Paul Potts, was also launched into stardom by winning a previous season of "Britain’s Got Talent." He is not the best looking dude in the world, but he sure put the judges in their place! Check out the video here! Paul also does a mean cover of "Ding Fries Are Done!"
3. ERNIE HARWELL (podcast) - This morning D&D spoke with Hall Of Fame Broadcaster Ernie Harwell on the passing of Mark "The Bird" Fidrych...Bird you will be missed!
4. THE RODENATOR (podcast) - The Rodenator assists landowners with the removal of most species of underground burrowing pests. The Rodenator currently is offered in two versions. Both the Pro and R2 Remote work on the principal of delivering a precisely measured mixture of propane and oxygen into the tunnel or burrow of invasive pests. This mixture is then detonated by the operator, causing an instantaneous underground shock wave of concussive force that eliminates the pests and in some (species specific) cases collapses some of the existing tunnel structure thus preventing immediate re-infestation. Carl Spackler says, "Man, free to kill gophers at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that’s all she wrote."
5. ROCK STAR RUN-INS (podcast) - Have you ever run into a rock star? We took calls on people that met a rock star and whether they were cool or not...Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, and Freddy Mercury could not be reached for comment...Mark Walhberg was quoted, "You know, I'm just a regular guy who grew up with the posters of these guys on my wall...and now I’m one of them!" So stand up and shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooout!
6. THE RAZORBA (podcast) - Listen up hairy guys! There is a novel invention called the razorba. It's a hand-held device that allows you to SHAVE YOUR OWN BACK! D&D found a lucky listener that is going to be coming in to the studio to test it out.
7. KNOW YOUR PORN (podcast) - In honor of the late Marylin Chambers, D&D talked about everyone’s favorite topic - PORN. And more importantly - how well do you know your porn? [Doyle aced this quiz...should we be scared?]
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-14 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-14 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.9 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-14 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-14 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.25 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-14 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-14 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 19.33 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-14 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-14 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 18.81 MB
Monday, April 13, 2009
D&D - Apr 13, 2009
Happy late Easter to everyone. Hope I wasn't the only one who gorged on candy worse than I did on Halloween. Oh the wonders of having kids too young to actually eat all their holiday candy. Anyway...standard D&D show this morning, nothing too horribly exciting. Jeff seemed to be a particularly ball-busting mood. And another caller swore on the air. Here's some more notes about the show from WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. JIM OBRIEN’S CLASSIC PHOTO (pic) - The "face of fear" imposed on the Somali Pirates...Jim Obrien former Navy Submarine officer...Can blend into any environment, speak 12 different languages, makes Chuck Norris look like a baby, and is trained in proton lasers, BFG’s, and Wii bowling...Ladies and gentleman this is a picture of Jim Obrien circa 1986 (The Original Terminator) sent back in time by John Connor to save the world!
3. DUMB WAYS TO GET HURT (podcast) - You heard the story about the woman who climbed into a polar bear enclosure at the Berlin Zoo this past weekend? As it turns out, the bears weren’t that happy to have her in their home. So what’s the dumbest way YOU have ever hurt yourself?
4. DRIVING WHILE HIGH (podcast) - D&D posed this question to listeners: Which is worse - Driving while high? Or driving while drunk? As it turns out, BOTH are actually pretty dangerous.
5. LONG LINES? (podcast) - What’s the longest you have EVER waited in like for anything? Hours? Days even? What was it for? Concert tickets? Auditioning for a reality TV show? Or maybe just the latest greatest video gaming console?
6. JIM MIKLASHEVSKI (podcast) - Jim Miklashevski of NBC News called in to talk about the American ship that was hijacked by pirates, and rescued by Navy SEALS.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-13 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-13 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.22 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-13 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-13 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 22.07 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-13 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-13 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.25 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-13 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-13 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 19.45 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. JIM OBRIEN’S CLASSIC PHOTO (pic) - The "face of fear" imposed on the Somali Pirates...Jim Obrien former Navy Submarine officer...Can blend into any environment, speak 12 different languages, makes Chuck Norris look like a baby, and is trained in proton lasers, BFG’s, and Wii bowling...Ladies and gentleman this is a picture of Jim Obrien circa 1986 (The Original Terminator) sent back in time by John Connor to save the world!
3. DUMB WAYS TO GET HURT (podcast) - You heard the story about the woman who climbed into a polar bear enclosure at the Berlin Zoo this past weekend? As it turns out, the bears weren’t that happy to have her in their home. So what’s the dumbest way YOU have ever hurt yourself?
4. DRIVING WHILE HIGH (podcast) - D&D posed this question to listeners: Which is worse - Driving while high? Or driving while drunk? As it turns out, BOTH are actually pretty dangerous.
5. LONG LINES? (podcast) - What’s the longest you have EVER waited in like for anything? Hours? Days even? What was it for? Concert tickets? Auditioning for a reality TV show? Or maybe just the latest greatest video gaming console?
6. JIM MIKLASHEVSKI (podcast) - Jim Miklashevski of NBC News called in to talk about the American ship that was hijacked by pirates, and rescued by Navy SEALS.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-13 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-13 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.22 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-13 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-13 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 22.07 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-13 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-13 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.25 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-13 Hour 4 (minus music @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-13 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 19.45 MB
Friday, April 10, 2009
D&D - Apr 10, 2009
Not a whole lot to report for today -- too busy watching the Tigers destroy the Rangers. Happy Good Friday to all you Catholics, happy normal Friday to all you Protestants. Go out and have some fish no matter your religion, it's good for you! :) D&D broadcast from the Elwood Bar & Grill across from Comerica this morning -- they only stuck a couple podcasts up, but the Ernie Harwell interview is definitely worth listening to. The "Guess the Baseball Movie" Friday Game was a nice touch, too -- D&D always try to cheat a little help the callers along during the special-event games. Here's the daily notes from WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. ROB PARKER TALKS TIGERS (podcast) - [Former and soon-to-be again current Detroit sports columnist] Rob Parker stopped by the Elwood to talk about the Tigers...and give Doyle grief. [Edit: download podcast MP3 audio here]
3. ERNIE HARWELL (podcast) - The one and only Ernie Harwell joined on Opening Day for the Tigers...take a couple of minutes out of your busy day and listen to this amazing interview...trust me, it’s worth it.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-10 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-10 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.8 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-10 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-10 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.03 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-10 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-10 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.11 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-10 Hour 4 (minus John Fogerty - "Centerfield" @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-10 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 24.8 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. ROB PARKER TALKS TIGERS (podcast) - [Former and soon-to-be again current Detroit sports columnist] Rob Parker stopped by the Elwood to talk about the Tigers...and give Doyle grief. [Edit: download podcast MP3 audio here]
3. ERNIE HARWELL (podcast) - The one and only Ernie Harwell joined on Opening Day for the Tigers...take a couple of minutes out of your busy day and listen to this amazing interview...trust me, it’s worth it.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-10 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-10 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.8 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-10 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-10 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.03 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-10 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-10 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.11 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-10 Hour 4 (minus John Fogerty - "Centerfield" @ 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-10 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 24.8 MB
Thursday, April 9, 2009
D&D - Apr 9, 2009
Happy Frida -- oh, wait. It only feels like a Friday. Gotta love the three-day weekends. In deference to Ms. Deminski, tomorrow is an awesome day for a Tigers' home opener. Thinking about going downtown tomorrow morning to meet D&D before all the holiday stuff starts -- don't have baseball tickets, just a day off. Just a heads-up regarding the blog -- due to holiday obligations, tomorrow's show won't be up on here until tomorrow evening. Here's some details from today's show from WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. CHRIS CHELIOS (podcast) - Chris Chelios called in to give his highly anticipated weekly Red Wings hockey update. Also known as Nicole Salem’s weekly 10 minutes of Paradise.
3. CHECK IN ON JAMES/MOM WANTS DEAD SON’S - WHAT?? (podcast) - James the intern is out collecting photos from people affected by the Chrysler disaster, for D&D’s Faces Not Numbers campaign. D&D also delve into a STRANGE case where a woman has won the rights to her dead son’s SPERM.
4. PEEPS AND EASTER CANDY (podcast) - Bill Doyle thinks Peeps are disgusting, vile creations. Jeff Deminski thinks they are the best and most delicious part of the Easter holiday. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
5. KIDS AND THEIR MONEY (podcast) - Jim O’brien feels like a total loser because his 12 year old son has more money than he does. Jim however does get credit for teaching his kid the importance of saving.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-09 Hour 1 (includes Bob Seger - "Feel Like a Number")
Filename: 2009-04-09 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.96 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-09 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-09 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 25.55 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-09 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-09 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 19.79 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-09 Hour 4 (minus music from 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-09 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 19.36 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. CHRIS CHELIOS (podcast) - Chris Chelios called in to give his highly anticipated weekly Red Wings hockey update. Also known as Nicole Salem’s weekly 10 minutes of Paradise.
3. CHECK IN ON JAMES/MOM WANTS DEAD SON’S - WHAT?? (podcast) - James the intern is out collecting photos from people affected by the Chrysler disaster, for D&D’s Faces Not Numbers campaign. D&D also delve into a STRANGE case where a woman has won the rights to her dead son’s SPERM.
4. PEEPS AND EASTER CANDY (podcast) - Bill Doyle thinks Peeps are disgusting, vile creations. Jeff Deminski thinks they are the best and most delicious part of the Easter holiday. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
5. KIDS AND THEIR MONEY (podcast) - Jim O’brien feels like a total loser because his 12 year old son has more money than he does. Jim however does get credit for teaching his kid the importance of saving.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-09 Hour 1 (includes Bob Seger - "Feel Like a Number")
Filename: 2009-04-09 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 19.96 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-09 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-09 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 25.55 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-09 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-09 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 19.79 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-09 Hour 4 (minus music from 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-09 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 19.36 MB
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
D&D - Apr 8, 2009
The WCSX Internet stream is definitely back to the pre-studio-production feed. Last Tuesday must have just been a glitchy day -- or someone fell asleep at the switch. Either way, people listening online get to hear the non-dumped, non-FCC-regulated version of the D&D Show. They podcasted this segment (#8 below) -- listen here to the "edited for radio broadcast" version. Highlight of the show came right before the break before Podcast #5 below -- Deminski doing an impression of Rudy doing an impression of Jay Leno. Here's a bit more from the show from WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. WORST NATIONAL ANTHEM RENDITIONS (article / videos) - There will be 2,430 different chances this baseball season for aspiring singers to butcher "The Star Spangled Banner." Here are 10 of history’s worst national anthem performances...
3. CEREMONIAL PITCHES GONE BAD (article / videos) - What does every president since William Howard Taft, Verne “Mini-Me” Troyer, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and a nude female skydiver have in common? All have thrown out the ceremonial pitch at a major league baseball game. And yes, a female skydiver in her birthday suit landed at Hi Corbett Field in Tucson, Arizona, to throw out the opening pitch in a 1978 minor league game. Some of those ceremonial pitches were strikes and others were...well, not even close. In honor of Opening Day, the crew at Watch This Now is paying tribute to those ceremonial pitches that were most unceremonious.
4. DREAM CHICKS! (podcast) - Think back to your teenage years - what hot chick did it for you? Maybe you even had a poster of a certain hottie on your bedroom wall? D&D (and probably every male listener) took some time to remember the babes they used to fantasize about.
5. JAY LENO (podcast) - Jay Leno did a nice thing - offering free shows at the Palace for unemployed Michigan workers. For those who were unable to attend because they ARE employed - fear not. Our very own Rudy gave his own rendition of Jay’s performance.
6. PETER WOLF (podcast) - Peter Wolf, of the J. Geils band called in to talk to D&D and give us a preview of what to expect at their SOLD OUT show at the Fillmore for the WCSX Birthday Bash!
7. LONG JOHNS (podcast) - Nicole Salem bet Deminski $20 dollars that people under 60 don’t wear long johns...Let’s see, cold weather state, blue collar town, sledding, snow mobiles, avid hunters...can you say fail?
8. JIMMY WILLIAMS (podcast) - Jimmy Williams is an overnight clerk at a 7-11 in Warren...In an attempted robbery of his store, Jimmy took the law in to his own hands...He kicked the robbers ass and sent him packing! Witness Jeff Spicoli was quoted, "Alright Williams!"
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-08 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-08 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.35 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-08 Hour 2 (minus J. Geils Band - "Love Stinks")
Filename: 2009-04-08 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.86 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-08 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-08 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.37 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-08 Hour 4 (minus music from 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-08 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 19.18 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. WORST NATIONAL ANTHEM RENDITIONS (article / videos) - There will be 2,430 different chances this baseball season for aspiring singers to butcher "The Star Spangled Banner." Here are 10 of history’s worst national anthem performances...
3. CEREMONIAL PITCHES GONE BAD (article / videos) - What does every president since William Howard Taft, Verne “Mini-Me” Troyer, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and a nude female skydiver have in common? All have thrown out the ceremonial pitch at a major league baseball game. And yes, a female skydiver in her birthday suit landed at Hi Corbett Field in Tucson, Arizona, to throw out the opening pitch in a 1978 minor league game. Some of those ceremonial pitches were strikes and others were...well, not even close. In honor of Opening Day, the crew at Watch This Now is paying tribute to those ceremonial pitches that were most unceremonious.
4. DREAM CHICKS! (podcast) - Think back to your teenage years - what hot chick did it for you? Maybe you even had a poster of a certain hottie on your bedroom wall? D&D (and probably every male listener) took some time to remember the babes they used to fantasize about.
5. JAY LENO (podcast) - Jay Leno did a nice thing - offering free shows at the Palace for unemployed Michigan workers. For those who were unable to attend because they ARE employed - fear not. Our very own Rudy gave his own rendition of Jay’s performance.
6. PETER WOLF (podcast) - Peter Wolf, of the J. Geils band called in to talk to D&D and give us a preview of what to expect at their SOLD OUT show at the Fillmore for the WCSX Birthday Bash!
7. LONG JOHNS (podcast) - Nicole Salem bet Deminski $20 dollars that people under 60 don’t wear long johns...Let’s see, cold weather state, blue collar town, sledding, snow mobiles, avid hunters...can you say fail?
8. JIMMY WILLIAMS (podcast) - Jimmy Williams is an overnight clerk at a 7-11 in Warren...In an attempted robbery of his store, Jimmy took the law in to his own hands...He kicked the robbers ass and sent him packing! Witness Jeff Spicoli was quoted, "Alright Williams!"
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-08 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-08 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.35 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-08 Hour 2 (minus J. Geils Band - "Love Stinks")
Filename: 2009-04-08 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.86 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-08 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-08 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.37 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-08 Hour 4 (minus music from 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-08 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 19.18 MB
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
D&D - Apr 7, 2009
Sad day for Spartan Nation. Oh well...Go Blue. :) MSU tanked their final game, U of M hockey team got upset by Air Force, Lions still suck, Pistons are barely going to make the playoffs...looks like the Red Wings are Detroit's only hope. April in the D? As goes the Winged Wheel, so goes Motown.
Looks like D&D may be going back to their standard 6am-10am timeslot instead of the 6am-10:15am they've been doing for a few weeks. Or maybe they just had to scoot out early today. Here's some notes on today's show from WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. TV JINGLES (podcast) - In a last ditch effort to lift Jason Carr’s spirits (and hopefully keep him from going off the deep end) D&D suggested a light hearted game of identifying old TV jingles. Can you guess any of them?
3. JINXES AND SUPERSTITIONS (podcast) - Apparently Jason Carr and Jim O’Brien believe in "signs" and "omens." Jim thinks turning the tv off helpts the Red Wings win. Jason believes the rotten luck he had yesterday had something to do with MSU losing the Final Four. Are these guys nuts?
4. VIDEO GAMES VS. SEX (podcast) - A new study shows that a positively ALARMING number of men would rather play video games than have sex. If it’s a new video game? The number soars even higher.
5. The D-list Video Week of 4-6 (video) - This week's D&D update video.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-07 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-07 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 23.34 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-07 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-07 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.62 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-07 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-07 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.63 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-07 Hour 4 (minus music from 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-07 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 16.88 MB
Looks like D&D may be going back to their standard 6am-10am timeslot instead of the 6am-10:15am they've been doing for a few weeks. Or maybe they just had to scoot out early today. Here's some notes on today's show from WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. TV JINGLES (podcast) - In a last ditch effort to lift Jason Carr’s spirits (and hopefully keep him from going off the deep end) D&D suggested a light hearted game of identifying old TV jingles. Can you guess any of them?
3. JINXES AND SUPERSTITIONS (podcast) - Apparently Jason Carr and Jim O’Brien believe in "signs" and "omens." Jim thinks turning the tv off helpts the Red Wings win. Jason believes the rotten luck he had yesterday had something to do with MSU losing the Final Four. Are these guys nuts?
4. VIDEO GAMES VS. SEX (podcast) - A new study shows that a positively ALARMING number of men would rather play video games than have sex. If it’s a new video game? The number soars even higher.
5. The D-list Video Week of 4-6 (video) - This week's D&D update video.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-07 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-07 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 23.34 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-07 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-07 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.62 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-07 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-07 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.63 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-07 Hour 4 (minus music from 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-07 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 16.88 MB
Monday, April 6, 2009
D&D - Apr 6, 2009
The D&D Show went "green" today and we're not talking about being eco-friendly (nor politically-correct -- see about the 3 min mark of the SOMERSET RALLY podcast below). MSU goes for the national title tonight and are once again the underdog -- so much so that Izzo thinks UNC will win. Bob Saget's new show is headed for a negative rating in the Detroit viewing area. Here's a bit more from today's show, courtesy of WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. EMINEM’S TRIBUTE TO DETROIT (video) - Pretty cool tribute video to Detroit by Eminem in the Pre-Game show of Saturday’s NCAA game.
3. AMAZING JAM AT THE ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME (video) - Not exactly the greatest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction class...BUT an amazing finale with Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Ron Wood, Joe Perry and Metallica jamming "Train Kept A Rollin."
4. MSU’S DURRELL SUMMERS DUNK ON UCONN (video) - One of the greatest dunks EVER - Durrell Summers throw down on UConn and Stanley Robinson...
5. JAY LENO (podcast) - This morning Jay Leno called in to chat with D&D. The Tonight Show host had alot to say about the free shows he is doing in Detroit. And of course D&D asked him what he thought about Martha Reeves' whining.
6. SOMERSET RALLY (podcast) - There was a huge rally at Somerset Mall over the weekend...A few thousand people showed up to support the Michigan State Spartans! Go Green!
7. BOB SAGET (podcast) - Bob Saget has a new series airing Monday’s on ABC called "Surviving Suburbia." Let’s see, The National Championship Game is on the same time as Saget’s show...Can you say fail? Saget crying after viewing the ratings now America’s Funniest Home Video...
8. LAANDREA SUMMERS (podcast) - Mother of Michigan State Spartan Durrell Summers, LaAndrea Summers checked in this morning...Durrell had a monster dunk against UCONN, and is trying to lead the Spartans to a National Championship!
9. SHANNON SHELTON (podcast) - Shannon Shelton from The Detroit Free Press called in to talk all things Michigan State! Meanwhile, Jason Carr says, "You can take my Spartan jersey when you pry it from my cold dead hands!"
10. GARY GRAFF (podcast) - WCSX Classic Rock Insider Gary Graff checked in to talk about the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame inductions this past weekend...Jeff Beck, Metallica, and Run DMC are all in...yes we said Run DMC!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-06 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-06 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 23.85 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-06 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-06 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.7 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-06 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-06 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.98 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-06 Hour 4 (minus music from 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-06 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 26.09 MB
Two new sponsors:
Harley-Davidson (traffic)
Hollywood Video
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from last week]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. EMINEM’S TRIBUTE TO DETROIT (video) - Pretty cool tribute video to Detroit by Eminem in the Pre-Game show of Saturday’s NCAA game.
3. AMAZING JAM AT THE ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME (video) - Not exactly the greatest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction class...BUT an amazing finale with Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Ron Wood, Joe Perry and Metallica jamming "Train Kept A Rollin."
4. MSU’S DURRELL SUMMERS DUNK ON UCONN (video) - One of the greatest dunks EVER - Durrell Summers throw down on UConn and Stanley Robinson...
5. JAY LENO (podcast) - This morning Jay Leno called in to chat with D&D. The Tonight Show host had alot to say about the free shows he is doing in Detroit. And of course D&D asked him what he thought about Martha Reeves' whining.
6. SOMERSET RALLY (podcast) - There was a huge rally at Somerset Mall over the weekend...A few thousand people showed up to support the Michigan State Spartans! Go Green!
7. BOB SAGET (podcast) - Bob Saget has a new series airing Monday’s on ABC called "Surviving Suburbia." Let’s see, The National Championship Game is on the same time as Saget’s show...Can you say fail? Saget crying after viewing the ratings now America’s Funniest Home Video...
8. LAANDREA SUMMERS (podcast) - Mother of Michigan State Spartan Durrell Summers, LaAndrea Summers checked in this morning...Durrell had a monster dunk against UCONN, and is trying to lead the Spartans to a National Championship!
9. SHANNON SHELTON (podcast) - Shannon Shelton from The Detroit Free Press called in to talk all things Michigan State! Meanwhile, Jason Carr says, "You can take my Spartan jersey when you pry it from my cold dead hands!"
10. GARY GRAFF (podcast) - WCSX Classic Rock Insider Gary Graff checked in to talk about the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame inductions this past weekend...Jeff Beck, Metallica, and Run DMC are all in...yes we said Run DMC!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-06 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-06 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 23.85 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-06 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-06 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.7 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-06 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-06 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.98 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-06 Hour 4 (minus music from 9am)
Filename: 2009-04-06 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 26.09 MB
Two new sponsors:
Harley-Davidson (traffic)
Hollywood Video
Friday, April 3, 2009
D&D - Apr 3, 2009
March Madness and March Bandness are both almost finished. D&D's bracket is finished, as are my pick for the champions. The Stones and Kansas (the school, not the band) both let me down. This is why I don't bet on sports -- not because it's illegal, but because I suck. :) Here's some notes from today's show from WCSX.com. Have a good weekend y'all.
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from Wednesday]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. FLIGHTS FROM HELL (link) - Commercial airline travel takes us far, far out of our comfort zone. We’re herded into cylinders that zip hundreds of miles per hour at 30,000 feet, subjected to security screenings, confronted with delays and lost luggage, rushed to catch connecting flights, constrained to small seats, scrunched up with strangers, and surrounded by pathogens. Click here to read some flights from hell!
3. HORRIBLE CELEBRITY PLASTIC SURGERIES (link) - In the last several decades, cosmetic surgery has become more acceptable and more accessible. Not longer is it a procedure reserved only for wealthy old women, and most celebrities are guilty of having at least one or two procedures. The goal for most is to make oneself look younger. But every once in a while the individual can go overboard, have a botched surgery, or develop an addiction to plastic surgery procedures. Click here to see the horror!
4. THE COON HUNTER OF DETROIT (article / video) - Great video (and article) from Charlie LeDuff of the Detroit News...he’s come across Glemie Beasley, a retired trucker who now hunts and sells racoons on Detroit’s West Side - click here for the story and video.
5. CELEBRITY KIDNEY (podcast) - Singer Natalie Cole needs a kidney transplant, and apparrently she has MANY fans that are willing to give up a kidney for her. D&D got to thinking - would you ever give a kidney to a celebrity?
6. OH MONICA!! (podcast) - It's been - what, five minutes? Since Monica Conyers did something outragious? Well, apparently things aren’t so great between Monica and Shiela Cockrel.
7. FLIGHTS FROM HELL (podcast) - D&D found a cool website where people share their worst airplane travel experiences. And folks - it's bad. Ever have to sit through a flight with someone who "went to the bathroom" in their seat?
8. GARY GRAFF (podcast) - CSX's own Classic Rock Insider - Gary Graff, checked in with D&Dthis morning. Gary gave us a preview of the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-03 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-03 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.56 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-03 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-03 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.17 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-03 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-03 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.72 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-03 Hour 4 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-03 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 26.39 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from Wednesday]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. FLIGHTS FROM HELL (link) - Commercial airline travel takes us far, far out of our comfort zone. We’re herded into cylinders that zip hundreds of miles per hour at 30,000 feet, subjected to security screenings, confronted with delays and lost luggage, rushed to catch connecting flights, constrained to small seats, scrunched up with strangers, and surrounded by pathogens. Click here to read some flights from hell!
3. HORRIBLE CELEBRITY PLASTIC SURGERIES (link) - In the last several decades, cosmetic surgery has become more acceptable and more accessible. Not longer is it a procedure reserved only for wealthy old women, and most celebrities are guilty of having at least one or two procedures. The goal for most is to make oneself look younger. But every once in a while the individual can go overboard, have a botched surgery, or develop an addiction to plastic surgery procedures. Click here to see the horror!
4. THE COON HUNTER OF DETROIT (article / video) - Great video (and article) from Charlie LeDuff of the Detroit News...he’s come across Glemie Beasley, a retired trucker who now hunts and sells racoons on Detroit’s West Side - click here for the story and video.
5. CELEBRITY KIDNEY (podcast) - Singer Natalie Cole needs a kidney transplant, and apparrently she has MANY fans that are willing to give up a kidney for her. D&D got to thinking - would you ever give a kidney to a celebrity?
6. OH MONICA!! (podcast) - It's been - what, five minutes? Since Monica Conyers did something outragious? Well, apparently things aren’t so great between Monica and Shiela Cockrel.
7. FLIGHTS FROM HELL (podcast) - D&D found a cool website where people share their worst airplane travel experiences. And folks - it's bad. Ever have to sit through a flight with someone who "went to the bathroom" in their seat?
8. GARY GRAFF (podcast) - CSX's own Classic Rock Insider - Gary Graff, checked in with D&Dthis morning. Gary gave us a preview of the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-03 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-03 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.56 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-03 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-04-03 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.17 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-03 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-03 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.72 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-03 Hour 4 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-03 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 26.39 MB
Thursday, April 2, 2009
D&D - Apr 2, 2009
Three months into the "new" D&D Show and I think the guys are starting to find a comfortable rhythm and will end up with a good sized audience made up of long-time D&D listeners, long-time WCSX listeners, and hopefully some folks that are new to both. Also, the new additions to the show are bringing some good synergy to the show. There's been some debate on the Yahoo Group -- as well as Jeff's State of the Show segment the other day -- and of course not every will be happy with every change. But in my opinion, the last few shows have really had some "classic" D&D moments. Here's a bit of what came up on today's show, thanks to WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from yesterday]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. HIGHLY ANTICIPATED "LOST" UPDATE (podcast) - You will GREATLY enjoy this update. This episode update is going to answer SO many of your questions. That’s what Doyle had to say before today’s Lost update. Then again...isn’t that what he always says?
3. CHRIS CHELIOS (podcast) - Chris Chelios called in to talk to D&D about all things Red Wings hockey related...and even video game related. Apparently some Red Wings are gamers, while others are not.
4. BAND NAMES (podcast) - This morning, D&D found out that Uncle Buck was in a band during his high school days. If you think that’s funny wait till you hear what the band was called! And of course...Jeff still thinks "Pet Strange Dogs" would make a kick ass band name.
5. WEAPONIZED VEHICLES (link) - The guys took some calls about fantasy weapons for your car...ultimate guy topic...as one commenter says, "That thing has frickin' shotguns on it's frickin' head!"
6. RUDY NEWS (link) - I think this should be a daily segment. Rudy gives oddball news. Nothing necrophiliactic or alcohol-induced today. At the very minimum, we learned that the D&D crew know their midgets. And that Rudy would ride a lion.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-02 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-02 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.47 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-02 Hour 2 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-02 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.71 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-02 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-02 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.54 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-02 Hour 4 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-02 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 23.75 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info [from yesterday]) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email D&D your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. HIGHLY ANTICIPATED "LOST" UPDATE (podcast) - You will GREATLY enjoy this update. This episode update is going to answer SO many of your questions. That’s what Doyle had to say before today’s Lost update. Then again...isn’t that what he always says?
3. CHRIS CHELIOS (podcast) - Chris Chelios called in to talk to D&D about all things Red Wings hockey related...and even video game related. Apparently some Red Wings are gamers, while others are not.
4. BAND NAMES (podcast) - This morning, D&D found out that Uncle Buck was in a band during his high school days. If you think that’s funny wait till you hear what the band was called! And of course...Jeff still thinks "Pet Strange Dogs" would make a kick ass band name.
5. WEAPONIZED VEHICLES (link) - The guys took some calls about fantasy weapons for your car...ultimate guy topic...as one commenter says, "That thing has frickin' shotguns on it's frickin' head!"
6. RUDY NEWS (link) - I think this should be a daily segment. Rudy gives oddball news. Nothing necrophiliactic or alcohol-induced today. At the very minimum, we learned that the D&D crew know their midgets. And that Rudy would ride a lion.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-02 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-02 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.47 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-02 Hour 2 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-02 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.71 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-02 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-02 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.54 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-02 Hour 4 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-02 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 23.75 MB
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
D&D - Apr 1, 2009
The guys seemed to (mostly) step back from yesterday's pseudo-partisan positions on Obama's steps towards auto recovery. Instead, they ran with a great idea from Jim O'Brien -- letting people from this area put their faces along with the numbers we read in the paper everyday. 12% unemployment, 47,000 laid off, 91,000 UAW workers offered buyouts and/or forced to take concessions, $69.6 billion lost during the last two years. Read (and listen to) more about this project, as well as other topics from today's show, below, thanks to WCSX.com:
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email [D&D] your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. THE DICK VITALE GALA (link) - Help Dickie V in his goal to raise $1,000,000 for research grants for pediatric and lung cancer. For information on how to attend the Dick Vitale Gala on May 15th, 2009 honoring Coach Billy Donovan and Coach Rick Pitino click here...If you can not attend and simply would like to make a donation - please call 1-800-4-JIMMYV
3. PICTURES CAMPAIGN (podcast) - D&D Producer Jim O’Brien has an idea, and chances are- it affects you or someone you love. With our government facing the enormous task of deciding what to do with the auto industry, it is important that they consider this- those affected by whatever decision is made are PEOPLE. They are not numbers, of statistics. We want Obama and the rest of our leaders to remember as they make this decision (whatever it may be) to consider all the people affected by the potential outcome.
4. PICTURES CAMPAIGN PART 2 (podcast) - The campaign involves making a huge banner to display the names and pictures of everyone affected by whatever decision is made on the Chrysler and GM crisis. The idea is to have President Obama look these people in the eye, and see them as people, not numbers or statistics. D&D want ideas for what they can call this campaign, as well as listener feedback.
5. DICK VITALE (podcast) - DICKIE V! The King Of College Basketball! The man himself! Today the ESPN College Basketball Analyst called in to talk about the Final Four and MSU Basketball.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-01 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-01 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 20.76 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-01 Hour 2 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-01 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.51 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-01 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-01 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 20.16 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-01 Hour 4 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-01 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 25.49 MB
1. FACES NOT NUMBERS (info) - We want to let the people in Washington D.C. know that when they talk about making decisions regarding the auto industry...it’s more than just numbers...it’s REAL PEOPLE who are going to be impacted by these decisions. We’re going to put together a banner with pictures of all the men, women and children who are impacted by the auto industry (workers, suppliers, retirees, restaurants, etc.) [You can] email [D&D] your picture or mail it to:
Deminski & Doyle
94.7 WCSX
One Radio Plaza
Detroit, MI 48220
2. THE DICK VITALE GALA (link) - Help Dickie V in his goal to raise $1,000,000 for research grants for pediatric and lung cancer. For information on how to attend the Dick Vitale Gala on May 15th, 2009 honoring Coach Billy Donovan and Coach Rick Pitino click here...If you can not attend and simply would like to make a donation - please call 1-800-4-JIMMYV
3. PICTURES CAMPAIGN (podcast) - D&D Producer Jim O’Brien has an idea, and chances are- it affects you or someone you love. With our government facing the enormous task of deciding what to do with the auto industry, it is important that they consider this- those affected by whatever decision is made are PEOPLE. They are not numbers, of statistics. We want Obama and the rest of our leaders to remember as they make this decision (whatever it may be) to consider all the people affected by the potential outcome.
4. PICTURES CAMPAIGN PART 2 (podcast) - The campaign involves making a huge banner to display the names and pictures of everyone affected by whatever decision is made on the Chrysler and GM crisis. The idea is to have President Obama look these people in the eye, and see them as people, not numbers or statistics. D&D want ideas for what they can call this campaign, as well as listener feedback.
5. DICK VITALE (podcast) - DICKIE V! The King Of College Basketball! The man himself! Today the ESPN College Basketball Analyst called in to talk about the Final Four and MSU Basketball.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-01 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-04-01 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 20.76 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-01 Hour 2 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-01 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.51 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-01 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-04-01 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 20.16 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-04-01 Hour 4 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-04-01 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 25.49 MB
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