See below (click for bigger image):

Deminski & Doyle podcasts -- all audio presented here since June, 2011 is (c) WXKW-NJ101.5 and is presented here at no charge and with no connection (implicit or implied) to the station or the show. We just want a way for fans of the show to stay connected when they can't otherwise listen live. --
Sorry if I'm being pesty, or if I missed a memo, but I was wondering if there was an issue with posting the shows this week? Hoping all is well, and thanks again for all that you do.
Everything ok?
I hope this guy is ok.
Really hope everything is ok. Strange not to hear anything for so long.
As said by others, we hope all is ok with the person that runs this podcast. I appreciate being able to download the D & D shows back here in Michigan.
Im looking into where he is.
Thank you, "Anonymous". Getting my D&D nightly fix, is secondary to my concern that everything is ok with him. I truly hope all is well. Thanks for looking into it.
I hope you are ok! I am actually worried about you!! It's been like 3 weeks since we last saw your post.
I miss you! Hope all is ok?
I asked his sister. says as far as she knows hes ok. but then never heard from her again. even if he got in trouble for this website his fb is still up. and his fb hasnt been updated since this page was.
I guess he got tired of putting them up. I just found this podcast the last days he posted. Just my luck.
i mean if he couldn't do it anymore i would understand. but he wouldn't just not tell us. he hasn't posted on fb since the same date as the last update. and he hasn't responded to his persoanl email. and his sister never got back to me. although today hes tagged innseveral pics on his page. so its weird.
His sister said that he spoke to thier other sister. and thats all i heard. guess he cant do the site anymore. weird.
So...... I cant say enough about how much I appreciated this persons podcasts. There is nothing left in Michigan like the D&D show. How can we lobby for future podcast? I just sent an Email to NJ101.5 asking if future podcasts will be available. Does anyone have suggestions or comments as to how to continue the joy of being able to download the D&D show. Any comments are welcome. Maybee we all just Email NJ101.5?
im shocked they don't offer podcasts. mabey family obligations or something is the reason he can;t do this site anymore. i mean i apprwcate all the hard work he did. and also the giy before who started this page. the current guy only has been doing it since they went back on nj 101.5. thansk to both, gu3ss we are on our own, lol
read a comment on his fb that its been crazy. so looks like hes ok. not sure about the future of the site.
I downloaded several apps from the google play store looking for D&D podcats with no luck. Cant even find other podcasts on the net. Crazy that we cant get a show like D&D somewhere else. And im from Windsor, Canada. There show is the best out there.
Hope this guy comes back :(
No official podcast. Been tweeting with the nj1015 account and their only response is we don't podcast. They suggest listening live either on their website or the station app. Both lag terribly, and I would rather podcast so I can hear the whole show. Their station is stuck in the last century! Website looks like a 12 year old designed it for a class project. And the kicker is the app, has a podcast tab!
lol what a joke and they were streaming in 1999 . witch means they were def ahead of the curb. back then.
This is STRICTLY a guess, but I'm wondering if the picture attached to the post dated October 1, 2012 might give us answers as to why this blogger hasn't been around.
Chances are, he's been pretty busy.
Like everyone else here, I hope this doesn't mean the podcasts are a thing of the past. But given how much work went into editing the shows, the problems he's been having finding a service that would allow him to post the show, and the recent developments in his family life, I can't say I would blame him if he had to give it up.
But as a D&D fan from Michigan, I just want to say that I am **genuinely** appreciative for the services he provided.
PS -
Rudy's still gay.
his sister told me he will explain soon.
his sister told me he will explain soon.
Hopefully this person who gave their time and effort to share the D & D show with others is doing well. As many others have stated we are greatful for his effort and hope the podcasts will continue. I also am a Michigan listener and cannot listen during "live broadcast hours". Hopefully we all can listen in the future to more recorded podcasts posted by someone that has the knowledge to continue posting the shows. Thank you again to the person that created the previous podcasts, We sure did appreciate your efforts!!!
Guess he retired
anyone notice that this blog was dated 2016 lol.
Hey everyone! I found a way to schedule daily recordings of the
D & D show and then play them back whenever I want, for free. Google "" and go to the website. It lets you record daily recordings of a DJ's radio show and will store up to 100 hours of talk for you. If you want multiple DJ shows than they want you to subscribe. I have been using it for a week now and it works good, so far.
cool. thanks. yea from im hearing don't count on the blog coming back. im getting the idea its done. just goota apprecate what we got out of it while it was here. unless the oringal owner comes back.
He plead guilty to Criminal Sexual Conduct in the first degree (Person Under 13, Defendant 17 Or Older) and Child Sexually Abusive Material or Activity. He will be spending the next 13-20 years in jail.
That's a pretty damned ugly statement.
Especially without any proof.
sorry folks. its true. does anyone know how to contact the real owner of the site? cause this guy only was doing it since 2011. the oringeal guy left, but he founded the site.
The real owner of the site is the one in prison. I just filled in while the monster who ran this site was out of town.
Go back and look at the evil assh*le's post from July 28, 2011:
"I'd like to give a huge shout out to "Anonymous2" who has been handling things here for the last week while I've been on vacation. It takes a lot of time and effort to get these five-hour shows on here, and I appreciate the reprieve."
I want it on the record that I am NOT this sick f*ck's friend. Outside of a few emails, I had NO contact with the bastard, and now that I know what he confessed to, I DEEPLY regret even that.
oh ok. makes sense. i had sent a email to you (but it was really him) cause i thought you were the real founder of the site. Im in shock. Do you still have power over the site? I had a feeling he might get in trouble for this site ,nevermind this other nightmare. I only knew him through this site. I don't live in Detroit. i feel pretty um i dunno. I thought he was a good guy. How could anyone that knew him in the deminski and doyle fanbase world know he was doing this?
Its inhuman. Can you destroy the site? Can't have it up as a tribute to this Guy. People who listen to NJ 101.5 are not looking for this kinda site. Not the kinda demographic or fanbase that's searching the internet for this stuff. Its just who is ever reading this. And we already got what we need. It serves no purpose. It's fucked up to read his comments on here about stuff. I know this Guy was like a core member of the Detroit d&d internet fanbase but that Guy is gone. D&D are never going back to Detroit anyway. Too bad this is the sad epilogue to that dedicated internet fanbase.
Those who knew/know him IRL are just as shocked that he could be doing such things as well. I'm in contact with his (now) ex-wife to see if she might be able to get the site taken down.
It could be paid up for the year. If it can't be shut down it may just default.
I have a blog here I have not used in years and it is still up. This is a free site.
dam. hopefully we can get it closed.
Now I know!
THERE IS another way to listen to D&D for FREE ! just like a poster above said, I tried it and it works.
Original post:
" Hey everyone! I found a way to schedule daily recordings of the
D & D show and then play them back whenever I want, for free. Google "" and go to the website. It lets you record daily recordings of a DJ's radio show and will store up to 100 hours of talk for you. If you want multiple DJ shows than they want you to subscribe. I have been using it for a week now and it works good, so far. "
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