Quick update today, haven't listened to the show yet so the only segments we know about are those posted by the leper lemmings ("they come together only to avoid each other") at WCSX.com:
1. SPIDER CRAWLS ON THE POPE! (link to video) - "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist..." Oh friends he does exist...and apparently he comes in a creepy eight leg fashion! Check out the video of this spider crawling on the Pope during his speech at the Prague Castle!
2. JAIL TIME FOR BABYSITTING? (podcast) - D&D talk to Lisa Snyder - a Michigan woman who is being threatened with JAIL TIME - for babysitting her neighbor’s kids!
3. ROD ALLEN (podcast) - Fox Sports Detroit's Rod Allen called in with his Tigers Report, and to talk about last night's edge-of-your-seat double header.
4. DUMB REASONS FOR CRASHING (podcast) - D&D want to know - what's the dumbest reason you crashed (or almost crashed) your car. Don't worry - We won't laugh! (yeah right.)
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-30 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-30 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 27.39 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-30 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-30 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.69 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-30 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-30 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15.55 MB
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
D&D - Sept 29, 2009
Full show today, including call-in segments about eating roadkill (#2 below), Nicole & Rudy's haunted sleepover (#3 below), speeding tickets in the suburbs, misheard song lyrics, and what to do when you find missing cash. Other topics ranged from the local (the Tigers rainout and MDOT's opinion on merging in construction zones) to the politically incorrect but funny (a 1943 Hiring Guide for Women and a thankfully-audio-only clip of an old guy in a diaper) to the sad ("Lucy in the Sky" is dead) to the corporate nincompoopery (Wal-Mart should arrest itself and Bank of America sets an awesome precedent). Featured topics were, as selected by those sleep-deprived souls over at WCSX.com:
1. LIONS FAN CAUGHT WITH PANTS DOWN! (pic) - Detroit fans have suffered through eons of metaphorical de-pantsings, so it's understandable that a few dudes attending Sunday's monumental victory would look to continue the tradition by literally dropping trou during a drunken game of grab-ass. **WARNING CONTAINS SOME NUDITY**
2. ROADKILL FOR DINNER (podcast) - Many of us have had the unfortunate experience of hitting a deer with our car. It's scary, causes damage to your car, and can leave you badly injured. But if you're lucky, you might just walk away with a good meal. Ever cook your roadkill?
3. NICOLE WANTS A PARANORMAL EXPERIENCE (podcast) - In the spirit of Halloween, Nicole Salem wants to try to spend the night in a legitimately haunted location. D&D took suggestions on Ghostly Hot-Spots from listeners.
4. KEN DANIELS (podcast) - D&D talked to Ken Daniels LIVE from Sweden, where the Red Wings open the season against St. Louis this Friday and Saturday!
5. D-list Week of 9-28 (video) - Weekly D&D update video.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-29 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-29 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 27.82 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-29 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-29 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.39 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-29 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-29 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15.66 MB
Couple more sponsors to list:
Yaldo Eye Center
Canton Fall Fest
1. LIONS FAN CAUGHT WITH PANTS DOWN! (pic) - Detroit fans have suffered through eons of metaphorical de-pantsings, so it's understandable that a few dudes attending Sunday's monumental victory would look to continue the tradition by literally dropping trou during a drunken game of grab-ass. **WARNING CONTAINS SOME NUDITY**
2. ROADKILL FOR DINNER (podcast) - Many of us have had the unfortunate experience of hitting a deer with our car. It's scary, causes damage to your car, and can leave you badly injured. But if you're lucky, you might just walk away with a good meal. Ever cook your roadkill?
3. NICOLE WANTS A PARANORMAL EXPERIENCE (podcast) - In the spirit of Halloween, Nicole Salem wants to try to spend the night in a legitimately haunted location. D&D took suggestions on Ghostly Hot-Spots from listeners.
4. KEN DANIELS (podcast) - D&D talked to Ken Daniels LIVE from Sweden, where the Red Wings open the season against St. Louis this Friday and Saturday!
5. D-list Week of 9-28 (video) - Weekly D&D update video.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-29 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-29 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 27.82 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-29 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-29 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.39 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-29 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-29 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15.66 MB
Couple more sponsors to list:
Yaldo Eye Center
Canton Fall Fest
Monday, September 28, 2009
D&D - Sept 28, 2009
Topics from Monday's show -- a brief review of the book Why Women Have Sex, a reading of a CREEPY English-as-a-second-language stalker letter to Nicole, an interview with Mike Rutherford from Genesis, a story about a (safe) crash plane landing at a Troy Wal-Mart, celebrity updates (Mackenzie Phillips and Roman Polanski) and a related proposed Polish castration law, a Deminski rant about a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame newspaper article, and a segment about genetically-engineered supercats. There was also a local road-rage-got-all-stabby article. Podcast-worthy topics were, as selected by the oligarhs over at WCSX.com:
1. BATHTUB KID PICTURES (podcast) - There is a couple that had their children taken from them because of some naked bathtub pictures...Are you kidding? Haven't most parents done this? It's harmless and it's your kids!
2. MERGING (podcast) - What is the correct way to merge? Should the zipper technique be used? Or every man for themselves...Are you a last minute merger?
3. GARY GRAFF KISS AT COBO (podcast) - WCSX Classic Rock Insider Gary Graff was at the KISS show Friday night...Gary told us all about it Monday morning on D&D!
4. LIONS VICTORY CELEBRATION! (podcast) - The Lions actually won a game! This is not a typo! Fans are partying in the streets...Rudy was our "man on the street" for this monumental event!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-28 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-28 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 24.4 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-28 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-28 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.42 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-28 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-28 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.5 MB
1. BATHTUB KID PICTURES (podcast) - There is a couple that had their children taken from them because of some naked bathtub pictures...Are you kidding? Haven't most parents done this? It's harmless and it's your kids!
2. MERGING (podcast) - What is the correct way to merge? Should the zipper technique be used? Or every man for themselves...Are you a last minute merger?
3. GARY GRAFF KISS AT COBO (podcast) - WCSX Classic Rock Insider Gary Graff was at the KISS show Friday night...Gary told us all about it Monday morning on D&D!
4. LIONS VICTORY CELEBRATION! (podcast) - The Lions actually won a game! This is not a typo! Fans are partying in the streets...Rudy was our "man on the street" for this monumental event!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-28 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-28 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 24.4 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-28 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-28 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.42 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-28 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-28 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.5 MB
Friday, September 25, 2009
D&D - Sept 25, 2009
Loren ipsum.
UPDATE 9/27: Whew, long weekend. Meant to get this up earlier, but here's a rundown of a few segments from Friday's show -- D&D took calls regarding parents' "little white lies," a topic which was misread by Jim O'Brien and let into a soap opera-esque "family secret story;" there was also another round of Gene Simmons Cinema, a Survivor recap, a celebrity sex scandal report featuring Eric Dane & Rebecca Gayheart, and a discussion about a Michigan "anti-babysitting" law. Other topics were, as reported by the late-late-late-late-late-breaking news correspondents at WCSX.com:
1. TRUCKERS BANNED FROM CELL PHONES? (podcast) - Should truckers be banned from using cell phones? They are supposed to be professional drivers...Something about an 18 wheeler screaming down the freeway with a trucker on a cell phone scares us!
2. BRIAN DUNKLEMAN (podcast) - You know Brian from American Idol fame...Well sorta...Brian was the co-host of American Idol during the first season...Brian left to pursue comedy and acting...Now we are stuck with Ryan Seacrest...Brian will be performing at Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle Friday (25th) & Saturday (26th). Two shows each night...www.comedycastle.com for more info!
3. PHIL COLLEN - DEF LEPPARD (podcast) - Phil Collen of Def Leppard was on D&D Friday morning...Def Leppard is coming to town November 9th at Joe Louis...You know this show will Bring On The Heartbreak, filled with Pyromania and Hysteria, no Fa Fa Fa Foolin!
4. MIKE HENRY (podcast) - Mike Henry is the voice of Cleveland, and Herbert "The Pervert" from Family Guy…Mike was on with D&D Friday morning to talk about Cleveland's new show..."Oh That’s Nasty!"
5. KEN DANIELS (podcast) - Voice of the Detroit Red Wings, FSD's Ken Daniels was on D&D Friday morning! Off to Sweden go the Wings to start the regular season...What's new with the Wings? Ken has the scoop!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-25 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-25 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 25.12 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-25 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-25 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.6 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-25 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-25 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 17.71 MB
UPDATE 9/27: Whew, long weekend. Meant to get this up earlier, but here's a rundown of a few segments from Friday's show -- D&D took calls regarding parents' "little white lies," a topic which was misread by Jim O'Brien and let into a soap opera-esque "family secret story;" there was also another round of Gene Simmons Cinema, a Survivor recap, a celebrity sex scandal report featuring Eric Dane & Rebecca Gayheart, and a discussion about a Michigan "anti-babysitting" law. Other topics were, as reported by the late-late-late-late-late-breaking news correspondents at WCSX.com:
1. TRUCKERS BANNED FROM CELL PHONES? (podcast) - Should truckers be banned from using cell phones? They are supposed to be professional drivers...Something about an 18 wheeler screaming down the freeway with a trucker on a cell phone scares us!
2. BRIAN DUNKLEMAN (podcast) - You know Brian from American Idol fame...Well sorta...Brian was the co-host of American Idol during the first season...Brian left to pursue comedy and acting...Now we are stuck with Ryan Seacrest...Brian will be performing at Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle Friday (25th) & Saturday (26th). Two shows each night...www.comedycastle.com for more info!
3. PHIL COLLEN - DEF LEPPARD (podcast) - Phil Collen of Def Leppard was on D&D Friday morning...Def Leppard is coming to town November 9th at Joe Louis...You know this show will Bring On The Heartbreak, filled with Pyromania and Hysteria, no Fa Fa Fa Foolin!
4. MIKE HENRY (podcast) - Mike Henry is the voice of Cleveland, and Herbert "The Pervert" from Family Guy…Mike was on with D&D Friday morning to talk about Cleveland's new show..."Oh That’s Nasty!"
5. KEN DANIELS (podcast) - Voice of the Detroit Red Wings, FSD's Ken Daniels was on D&D Friday morning! Off to Sweden go the Wings to start the regular season...What's new with the Wings? Ken has the scoop!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-25 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-25 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 25.12 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-25 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-25 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.6 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-25 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-25 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 17.71 MB
Thursday, September 24, 2009
D&D - Sept 24, 2009
If we can't have the Friday Game anymore, can we have more of the Thursday "Give Away Everything That's Not Bolted Down" days like we had today? KISS tickets were given away (twice!), as were Def Leppard tickets, Lions all-you-can-eat tickets (see podcast #3 below), and Michigan Lottery tickets in another round of Play the Numbers. That was a fun show to listen to; granted, it would have been more fun had I been awake to listen to it live, as I could have tried to call in myself, but I digress. The pessimist in me wants to note that the last time D&D has this many giveaways, they were unloading random loot from their soon-to-be-unoccupied offices just before the split ways with 97.1. But I'll finish digesting the pessimist in me so you don't have to hear from him anymore. Non-contest segments from this morning included an interview with Bill Parker, President of UAW Local 1700 (they're borrowing the Faces Not Numbers banner), a debate about viewing habits for watching pro sports (in person vs. on TV -- I vote for the bar), another old-as-shit-driver-causes-accident story (at least the right person died this time), and a report on a waaay over-the-top Halloween attraction at Kings Island in Ohio (it's no accident I always cut out the Ohio Tourism commercials from the show audio). Doug "Doc of Rock" Podell jumped on the air at the end of the show as he prepped for his unexpected temp gig - subbing in for an absent Karen Savelly. Best line of the show? Doug P: "What song is up first?" Jeff D: "Isn't that kinda your job to pick them?" Heh...featured topics from today were, as selected by the professional primates over at WCSX.com:
1. SEX DEGREES OF SEPARATION CALCULATOR (link) - You may have heard of Six Degrees of Separation. It's the idea that we're all just six connections away from everyone else on the planet. This is the inspiration for Sex Degrees of Separation. By answering the questionnaire we will be able to calculate the number of indirect (and direct) sexual partners you have had, going back six degrees of separation. Try Sex Degrees Of Separation!
2. JAMIE SAMUELSEN TALKS WITH MICHAEL ROSENBERG (podcast) - Jamie Samuelsen talked with Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg about the U of M controversy (started by his story) and the reaction from all over the country...[this clip was not played during the show today -- this is the "first ever podcast on WCSX.com" by Jamie]
3. GUESS WHAT'S IN RUDY'S MOUTH! (podcast) - D&D played a fun game, for a cool prize - tickets for all you can eat seats at the upcoming Detroit Lions game. All the callers had to do was guess what delicious snack Rudy was munching on!
4. MACKENZIE PHILLIPS (podcast) - Mackenzie Phillips (Daughter of the late John Phillips) dropped a MAJOR bomb on the Oprah Winfrey Show yesterday. D&D play back some of the outrageous clips.
5. JOHN CHO (podcast) - D&D talked to John Cho. He played Lt. Sulu in this summer's Star Trek, and he’s one of the stars in tonights debut of Flash Forward on ABC.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-24 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-24 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 27.14 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-24 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-24 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 16.56 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-24 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-24 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.46 MB
Two new advertisers today:
Flash Forward on ABC
Preparation H
1. SEX DEGREES OF SEPARATION CALCULATOR (link) - You may have heard of Six Degrees of Separation. It's the idea that we're all just six connections away from everyone else on the planet. This is the inspiration for Sex Degrees of Separation. By answering the questionnaire we will be able to calculate the number of indirect (and direct) sexual partners you have had, going back six degrees of separation. Try Sex Degrees Of Separation!
2. JAMIE SAMUELSEN TALKS WITH MICHAEL ROSENBERG (podcast) - Jamie Samuelsen talked with Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg about the U of M controversy (started by his story) and the reaction from all over the country...[this clip was not played during the show today -- this is the "first ever podcast on WCSX.com" by Jamie]
3. GUESS WHAT'S IN RUDY'S MOUTH! (podcast) - D&D played a fun game, for a cool prize - tickets for all you can eat seats at the upcoming Detroit Lions game. All the callers had to do was guess what delicious snack Rudy was munching on!
4. MACKENZIE PHILLIPS (podcast) - Mackenzie Phillips (Daughter of the late John Phillips) dropped a MAJOR bomb on the Oprah Winfrey Show yesterday. D&D play back some of the outrageous clips.
5. JOHN CHO (podcast) - D&D talked to John Cho. He played Lt. Sulu in this summer's Star Trek, and he’s one of the stars in tonights debut of Flash Forward on ABC.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-24 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-24 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 27.14 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-24 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-24 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 16.56 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-24 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-24 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.46 MB
Two new advertisers today:
Flash Forward on ABC
Preparation H
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
D&D - Sept 23, 2009
There was quite a bit of celebrity news today, ranging from the A-List (Will Ferrell), to the D-List (Mackenzie Phillips), to the Who-The-Fuck-Are-You-List (Michael "Porn Makes You Gay" Schwartz). For more from that last list visit this "Where Are They Now?" website. There was also a long call-in segment during the first hour of the show about grammatical pet peeves. Other news included a report Monday's "Heroes" premiere's (and NBC's in general) crappy ratings. Web-worthy topics were, as decided on by the Alternative Programming Directors over at WCSX.com:
1. DRUNK LIONS FAN GETS THROWN OUT (link to video) - Couple of absolutely hammered Lions fans got thrown out of the Lions/Vikings game – video has some profanity...so don't say we didn't warn you! Click here to see the video!
2. SUPER DOOPER POOPER (video) - Oh yeah...she's a super dooper pooper...take a bow, she's a big girl now...great song for teaching your kids about the potty...but it WILL get stuck in your head!
3. TIGERS MAKE COVER OF SPORTS ILLUSTRATED! (pic / article) - This week's SI features The Detroit Tigers! How sweet is that? "No city has been harder hit by the economic downturn than Detroit, and that forced Tigers owner Mike Ilitch to take a most drastic measure: He raised the payroll and reinvested dramatically in his franchise. What's unfolded this summer, one year removed from a last-place finish, has lifted a city." Read the full article!
4. TRAGIC END IN CANTON (podcast) - Canton police trying to piece together what led a Detroit Police Department homicide investigator to shoot and kill his wife, then himself. D&D had the full story Wednesday morning, including several 911 calls.
5. PUSHING CARS TO THE LIMIT (podcast) - With tough economic times in Michigan some people are pushing their cars to the limit...Jeff has a crack along his windshield, and his tires are going bald...How bad is your current ride, and when are you going to get it fixed?
6. MARISA FROM SURVIVOR (podcast) - Marisa was the first person kicked off Survivor Samoa! She is a tough country girl, but not cunning enough to win the million dollars! Marisa was on with D&D Wednesday morning!
7. 2010 ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME (podcast) - The nominees are in for the Class of 2010! WCSX Classic Rock Insider Gary Graff was on with D&D Wednesday morning with the scoop on the nominees...The Stooges are nominated again...Will they get in? Find out who else is up for this prestigious honor! [KISS is nominated as well - WCSX and D&D are giving away tickets to KISS Alive 35 all week!]
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-23 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-23 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 28.01 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-23 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-23 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.79 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-23 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-23 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.9 MB
Bucket o' sponsors to list:
Mercy on NBC
Jones Gaba
First Check Home Drug Test
Radio Heard Here
1. DRUNK LIONS FAN GETS THROWN OUT (link to video) - Couple of absolutely hammered Lions fans got thrown out of the Lions/Vikings game – video has some profanity...so don't say we didn't warn you! Click here to see the video!
2. SUPER DOOPER POOPER (video) - Oh yeah...she's a super dooper pooper...take a bow, she's a big girl now...great song for teaching your kids about the potty...but it WILL get stuck in your head!
3. TIGERS MAKE COVER OF SPORTS ILLUSTRATED! (pic / article) - This week's SI features The Detroit Tigers! How sweet is that? "No city has been harder hit by the economic downturn than Detroit, and that forced Tigers owner Mike Ilitch to take a most drastic measure: He raised the payroll and reinvested dramatically in his franchise. What's unfolded this summer, one year removed from a last-place finish, has lifted a city." Read the full article!
4. TRAGIC END IN CANTON (podcast) - Canton police trying to piece together what led a Detroit Police Department homicide investigator to shoot and kill his wife, then himself. D&D had the full story Wednesday morning, including several 911 calls.
5. PUSHING CARS TO THE LIMIT (podcast) - With tough economic times in Michigan some people are pushing their cars to the limit...Jeff has a crack along his windshield, and his tires are going bald...How bad is your current ride, and when are you going to get it fixed?
6. MARISA FROM SURVIVOR (podcast) - Marisa was the first person kicked off Survivor Samoa! She is a tough country girl, but not cunning enough to win the million dollars! Marisa was on with D&D Wednesday morning!
7. 2010 ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME (podcast) - The nominees are in for the Class of 2010! WCSX Classic Rock Insider Gary Graff was on with D&D Wednesday morning with the scoop on the nominees...The Stooges are nominated again...Will they get in? Find out who else is up for this prestigious honor! [KISS is nominated as well - WCSX and D&D are giving away tickets to KISS Alive 35 all week!]
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-23 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-23 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 28.01 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-23 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-23 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.79 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-23 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-23 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.9 MB
Bucket o' sponsors to list:
Mercy on NBC
Jones Gaba
First Check Home Drug Test
Radio Heard Here
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
D&D - Sept 22, 2009
This was a bit of a smörgåsbord show today. We had topics ranging from a Dancing With the Stars recap to the "Values" Voters summit to a debate about the top sexiest jobs for women and the best way to hit on a waitress. There was also an epic fail (on the part of the callers) KISS ticket giveaway contest and a couple call-in segments from the 6am hour that got abandoned like a bratty six-year-old at a Mexican 7-11 forgotten about when it came time to make the podcasts. Listeners tried to guess Rudy's obscure ringtones and later chimed in on the discussion about a possible Royal Oak pit bull ban. Other topics were, as selected by the paranoid, AWOL, psych-ward refugees hiding out south of the border on WCSX.com:
1. BRANDI MAXIM HOMETOWN HOTTIE FINALIST (pics / link) - Remember Brandi? We had her in studio a few months ago because she entered the Maxim Hometown Hotties contest...Well Brandi is now a finalist! Not only is she smoking hot, but she is from Canton! Vote for Brandi!
2. BYE BYE TIGER STADIUM (link to video) - Tiger Stadium is no more...Hosting the Tigers from 1912-1999 and some of the greatest games ever played Tiger Stadium was finally demolished...If you were lucky enough to see a game at "The Corner" cherish your memories! Check out the video of the leveling of Tiger Stadium...
3. DOG DOO DEBATE (podcast) - Say you're walking the dog, he relieves himself. You do the proper thing - clean it up with a bag. Is it ok to put it in someone else's trash container? Someone tell Jeff to calm down...
4. STEVE SCHIRRIPA (podcast) - D&D talked to Steve Schirripa, who played Tony Soprano's cousin on The Sopranos. Steve will be in town appearing at Andiamo's this Friday!
5. ASKING DAD IF YOU CAN MARRY HIS DAUGHTER? (podcast) - Help the guys settle something - do you think it's tacky and archaic to ask a woman's dad for permission to ask for her hand in marriage? Or do you think it's a nice gesture?
6. JIM'S CUB SCOUT RAGE (podcast) - You have heard of road rage, air rage, cell phone rage, and probably every other kind of rage. Jim O'Brien might have invented a new kind of rage - Cub Scout Rage!
7. D-list week of 9/21 (video) - Weekly D&D update video.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-22 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-22 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 25.97 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-22 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-22 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.26 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-22 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-22 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15.54 MB
1. BRANDI MAXIM HOMETOWN HOTTIE FINALIST (pics / link) - Remember Brandi? We had her in studio a few months ago because she entered the Maxim Hometown Hotties contest...Well Brandi is now a finalist! Not only is she smoking hot, but she is from Canton! Vote for Brandi!
2. BYE BYE TIGER STADIUM (link to video) - Tiger Stadium is no more...Hosting the Tigers from 1912-1999 and some of the greatest games ever played Tiger Stadium was finally demolished...If you were lucky enough to see a game at "The Corner" cherish your memories! Check out the video of the leveling of Tiger Stadium...
3. DOG DOO DEBATE (podcast) - Say you're walking the dog, he relieves himself. You do the proper thing - clean it up with a bag. Is it ok to put it in someone else's trash container? Someone tell Jeff to calm down...
4. STEVE SCHIRRIPA (podcast) - D&D talked to Steve Schirripa, who played Tony Soprano's cousin on The Sopranos. Steve will be in town appearing at Andiamo's this Friday!
5. ASKING DAD IF YOU CAN MARRY HIS DAUGHTER? (podcast) - Help the guys settle something - do you think it's tacky and archaic to ask a woman's dad for permission to ask for her hand in marriage? Or do you think it's a nice gesture?
6. JIM'S CUB SCOUT RAGE (podcast) - You have heard of road rage, air rage, cell phone rage, and probably every other kind of rage. Jim O'Brien might have invented a new kind of rage - Cub Scout Rage!
7. D-list week of 9/21 (video) - Weekly D&D update video.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-22 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-22 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 25.97 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-22 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-22 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.26 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-22 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-22 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15.54 MB
Monday, September 21, 2009
D&D - Sept 21, 2009
This rant is brought to you by one of the call-in segments from today's show that wasn't podcasted (the other was a discussion about weird souvenirs). I guess I'm one of the unpopular few who would be in favor of a tax on pop and other junk food. We need some way to pay for health care reform -- even if the current reform bills being proposed completely miss that point that we a are a FAT, fast-food nation. Health care costs will drop if people are healthy, and the current legislation under consideration doesn't focus enough on preventative medicine and healthy lifestyles. Bill Maher was right last week. While the idea of a "sin" tax doesn't appeal to me, it's more than just an issue with semantics and lexicon. Booze, for example, is not intrinsically unhealthy (in moderation), so I don't see why it should be taxed. But fatty foods and HFCS-laden sodas? I'm a fat person, so I know I should cut back on crap food. I'm not saying I need the government to tell me this (my doctor does it enough, thank you very much), but let's look at cigarette smoking (which is intrinsically deadly, not just unhealthy). Cigarettes have declined in popularity over the decades due in part to government intervention and lawsuits -- there's no more tobacco ads on TV, the Surgeon General tells you how bad every pack is bad for you, tobacco companies have had to pay out multi-million-dollar lawsuits, and the fact remains that it's just not as "cool" as it was years ago. The massive hikes in tobacco taxation have been a big part of the decline as well. You might say eating junk food isn't as bad as smoking, but both are unhealthy, addictive habits that offer nothing of value. This isn't a black and white issue. Fattening foods are also generally less expensive than their more nutritious counterparts; in my opinion, part of a comprehensive health reform bill should include a subsidy for diet and nutrition improvements for lower-income participants.
Alllllrighty then, enough wonkiness, on to D&D. It seems the anti-early-podcast lobby has returned. Nearly every segment from 7am-9am is up at the D&D page, while the 6am hour was left aloneonce more, waiting in front of the abandoned oil change place on the corner for another anonymous sex partner who chickened out at the last minute again. Hour 1 topics included a recap of yesterday's Springsteen concert in Chicago from a sleepy Uncle Buck, an update on Rudy's slang jar, an Emmy recap, a Darwin Award nomination in the shape of a deadly UFC re-enactment, and a couple local stories about money (both of the counterfeit and suing-the-casino variety). The guy who won the All-You-Can-Eat Lions ticket from D&D on Sunday was also brought on the air briefly between vomit waves. Podcast-worthy segments were, as chosen by the Peristaltic Pyrotechinicians over at WCSX.com:
1. QUESTIONS FOR LIONS FANS (podcast) - The Lions home opener was Sunday...Well we all know what happened...Before the game Jim O'Brien decided to pose 3 questions to 10 or so Lions Fans...Let the hilarity begin!
2. CHUCK LIDDELL (podcast) - The "Ice-Man" Chuck Liddell was on Monday morning with D&D...Best known for being a MMA/UFC fighter...At one time the most feared fighter to step into the Octagon...Well now Chuck is looking to expand his horizons, and well this season he is on Dancing With The Stars...If you have anything to say Chuck will meet you at the bike racks at 3 to deliver a roundhouse only Chuck Norris can envy!
3. WORKFORCE BUSINESS GRAND PRIZE WINNER (podcast) - Java Hutt Cafe is the Work Force Business Grand Prize Winner...Congrats to Richard and Lisa Spicko! They will now receive their $20,000 ad campaign on WCSX!
Java Hutt Cafe
207 S. Old Woodward
Birmingham, MI 48012
(248) 593-0127
4. 8 "CHIVALROUS" MOVES THAT CREEP OUT WOMEN (podcast) - So we guess that chivalry is out? According to this list things like ordering a meal, pulling out a chair, and helping them put on their coat really creeps out the ladies! Check out the full list!
5. ROD ALLEN (podcast) - Rod Allen checked in Monday morning with his weekly Tigers Report! Nate back on the hill as a starter...Tigers almost get swept in Minnesota but make out still in first place!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-21 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-21 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 24.95 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-21 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-21 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.48 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-21 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-21 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 13.92 MB
No more WFBotD, but here are some other new sponsors:
Heroes on NBC
Iceland Naturally
CBS primetime (traffic)
Ziebart (traffic)
Alllllrighty then, enough wonkiness, on to D&D. It seems the anti-early-podcast lobby has returned. Nearly every segment from 7am-9am is up at the D&D page, while the 6am hour was left alone
1. QUESTIONS FOR LIONS FANS (podcast) - The Lions home opener was Sunday...Well we all know what happened...Before the game Jim O'Brien decided to pose 3 questions to 10 or so Lions Fans...Let the hilarity begin!
2. CHUCK LIDDELL (podcast) - The "Ice-Man" Chuck Liddell was on Monday morning with D&D...Best known for being a MMA/UFC fighter...At one time the most feared fighter to step into the Octagon...Well now Chuck is looking to expand his horizons, and well this season he is on Dancing With The Stars...If you have anything to say Chuck will meet you at the bike racks at 3 to deliver a roundhouse only Chuck Norris can envy!
3. WORKFORCE BUSINESS GRAND PRIZE WINNER (podcast) - Java Hutt Cafe is the Work Force Business Grand Prize Winner...Congrats to Richard and Lisa Spicko! They will now receive their $20,000 ad campaign on WCSX!
Java Hutt Cafe
207 S. Old Woodward
Birmingham, MI 48012
(248) 593-0127
4. 8 "CHIVALROUS" MOVES THAT CREEP OUT WOMEN (podcast) - So we guess that chivalry is out? According to this list things like ordering a meal, pulling out a chair, and helping them put on their coat really creeps out the ladies! Check out the full list!
5. ROD ALLEN (podcast) - Rod Allen checked in Monday morning with his weekly Tigers Report! Nate back on the hill as a starter...Tigers almost get swept in Minnesota but make out still in first place!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-21 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-21 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 24.95 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-21 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-21 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.48 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-21 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-21 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 13.92 MB
No more WFBotD, but here are some other new sponsors:
Heroes on NBC
Iceland Naturally
CBS primetime (traffic)
Ziebart (traffic)
Friday, September 18, 2009
D&D - Sept 18, 2009
Happy Friday! The final Workforce Business of the Day was selected today; the winner will be announced on Monday. We're still going to keep using the WFBotD ads in the show audio on here for a while -- it seems better to promote local businesses as opposed to Home Depot, DirecTV, and Rosetta Stone every day. As for the show today, it was very much a Friday show. We didn't have the easy-to-produce Friday Game, of course, but there were a ton of rehashed, revisited, and recapped topics. There was an update to yesterday's Facebook paranoia by Rudy with, another story about verbally abusive debt collectors, and some more highlights from textsfromlastnight.com. Three of the official podcasts listed below also brought on a sense of déjà vu -- Nicole is still clueless about baseball, Blind Just Us Part 2 had a decidedly sexual tone (*coughjimneedstogetlaidcough*), and Wolfman Mac was apparently once a guest on the old D&D show. A clip from New York news anchor Ernie Anastis involving an unintentional action with a chicken was played; the video should have been listed on the D&D website. Survivor's premiere and Kwame's financial life were also discussed. Nearly the entire 7am and 8am hours were podcasted; the only topics not mentioned below was a "racy" lingerie ad by Hot Milk. Podcasted topics included, as selected by the PILFs over at WCSX.com:
1. WOLFMAN MAC'S CHILLER DRIVE-IN (pics / link) - Wolfman Mac hosts classic B-Horror and sci-fi movies on Wolfman Mac's Chiller Drive-In™. In July of 2007, Chiller Drive-In began broadcasting to 300,000 homes on public access around Metro-Detroit. Now you can catch Chiller Drive-In (formerly known as Nightmare Sinema) on WMYD TV, Detroit's My TV 20! Every Saturday night at Midnight! The Wolfman himself stopped in Friday morning with D&D! The new season kicks off this Saturday night! Check out The Chiller Drive-In Website!
2. TEACH NICOLE BASEBALL! (podcast) - Poor Nicole Salem can't understand the game of baseball to save her wretched soul. But that's ok - because listeners are gonna teach her!
3. BLIND JUST US (podcast) - Jeff, Bill, Jamie, Rudy, and Nicole all have to wear blindfolds while Jim O'Brien asks them a series of embarassing questions. For some reason, it's ALWAYS hilarious.
4. WOLFMAN MAC (podcast) - A REAL wolfman was live in studio!! Actually - it was Wolfman Mac. But that's just as cool. He's the host of Wolfman Mac's Chiller Drive In, Saturday night on MYTV20.
5. LENORE SKENAZY (podcast) - Lenore Skenazy, AKA "The Free Range Mom." Find out why some people are calling her a terrible mother. Who's side are you on?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-18 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-18 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 27.05 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-18 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-18 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.42 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-18 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-18 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15 MB
Here's some more advertisers:
Kaylee's Parrot Place (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Women Heart
1. WOLFMAN MAC'S CHILLER DRIVE-IN (pics / link) - Wolfman Mac hosts classic B-Horror and sci-fi movies on Wolfman Mac's Chiller Drive-In™. In July of 2007, Chiller Drive-In began broadcasting to 300,000 homes on public access around Metro-Detroit. Now you can catch Chiller Drive-In (formerly known as Nightmare Sinema) on WMYD TV, Detroit's My TV 20! Every Saturday night at Midnight! The Wolfman himself stopped in Friday morning with D&D! The new season kicks off this Saturday night! Check out The Chiller Drive-In Website!
2. TEACH NICOLE BASEBALL! (podcast) - Poor Nicole Salem can't understand the game of baseball to save her wretched soul. But that's ok - because listeners are gonna teach her!
3. BLIND JUST US (podcast) - Jeff, Bill, Jamie, Rudy, and Nicole all have to wear blindfolds while Jim O'Brien asks them a series of embarassing questions. For some reason, it's ALWAYS hilarious.
4. WOLFMAN MAC (podcast) - A REAL wolfman was live in studio!! Actually - it was Wolfman Mac. But that's just as cool. He's the host of Wolfman Mac's Chiller Drive In, Saturday night on MYTV20.
5. LENORE SKENAZY (podcast) - Lenore Skenazy, AKA "The Free Range Mom." Find out why some people are calling her a terrible mother. Who's side are you on?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-18 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-18 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 27.05 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-18 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-18 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.42 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-18 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-18 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15 MB
Here's some more advertisers:
Kaylee's Parrot Place (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Women Heart
Thursday, September 17, 2009
D&D - Sept 17, 2009
Only a half-day of slacking for me today, so there's not going to be much of an update. Two call-in segments from today that didn't get podcasted were a discussion about "retro food" and a debate about panhandlers and charity workers walking into traffic. Featured topics from this morning's show were, as selected by the fake farm animals over at WCSX.com:
1. D&D THIS SUNDAY AT THE ELWOOD (info) - Join D&D along with Jamie Samuelsen this Sunday from 11am-1pm at the Elwood Bar & Grill for a Lions Pre-Party...There will be a hot dog eating contest, the winner gets tickets to Sunday's Lions Game...Plus Kiss Tickets!
The Elwood
300 E Adams Ave
Detroit, MI 48226-2210
(313) 962-2337
2. MAN ON WHEELCHAIR BUSTED FOR DRUNK DRIVING (link to video) - A man was pulled over for driving drunk in Wisconsin...funny thing...he was on a motorized wheelchair! 0-4mph in 10.5 seconds...cause if ya ain't first...your last! When pulled over the driver had this to say..."when this baby hits 88pmh...you're gonna see some serious s&*t!" Click here for the video!
3. ERNIE HARWELL (podcast) - The Tigers had a tribute to Hall Of Fame Broadcaster Ernie Harwell at last nights game...It's hard [to] express in words what Ernie Harwell means to Detroit, the Tigers, and baseball...Ernie Harwell is the true "Mr. Baseball." [Also, D&D took calls asking, when is it okay for men to cry?]
4. GENE FREAKIN' HACKMAN (podcast) - One of our favorite actors Gene Hackman was on the show Thursday morning! How cool is that? The Academy Award winning actor...join[ed] us to talk about his book Escape from Andersonville - and his legendary movie career. Unforgiven, Superman, Mississippi Burning, Hoosiers and the list goes on...Gene is now an author! Escape From Andersonville is a novel all about the Civil War...We love you Mr. Luthor!
5. RUDY AND FARMVILLE (podcast) - There is a game on Facebook called Farmville...You have to maintain a farm including harvesting crops, and taking care of animals...Sounds gay right? Well Rudy has been all over this game, even posting accomplishments to his Facebook...FAIL!
6. KIDS GOING TO THE BATHROOM ALONE (podcast) - A 10 year old girl was molested in a mall bathroom...At what age do you let your kids use a public restroom alone? Which is safer a restroom at say Comerica Park, or a mall?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-17 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-17 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 26.61 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-17 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-17 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.25 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-17 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-17 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15.89 MB
Here's some more advertisers:
Orchard Lake Framing and Gallery (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Alliance for the Great Lakes
American Planning Association
Habitat for Humanity
MLB Team Coalition
1. D&D THIS SUNDAY AT THE ELWOOD (info) - Join D&D along with Jamie Samuelsen this Sunday from 11am-1pm at the Elwood Bar & Grill for a Lions Pre-Party...There will be a hot dog eating contest, the winner gets tickets to Sunday's Lions Game...Plus Kiss Tickets!
The Elwood
300 E Adams Ave
Detroit, MI 48226-2210
(313) 962-2337
2. MAN ON WHEELCHAIR BUSTED FOR DRUNK DRIVING (link to video) - A man was pulled over for driving drunk in Wisconsin...funny thing...he was on a motorized wheelchair! 0-4mph in 10.5 seconds...cause if ya ain't first...your last! When pulled over the driver had this to say..."when this baby hits 88pmh...you're gonna see some serious s&*t!" Click here for the video!
3. ERNIE HARWELL (podcast) - The Tigers had a tribute to Hall Of Fame Broadcaster Ernie Harwell at last nights game...It's hard [to] express in words what Ernie Harwell means to Detroit, the Tigers, and baseball...Ernie Harwell is the true "Mr. Baseball." [Also, D&D took calls asking, when is it okay for men to cry?]
4. GENE FREAKIN' HACKMAN (podcast) - One of our favorite actors Gene Hackman was on the show Thursday morning! How cool is that? The Academy Award winning actor...join[ed] us to talk about his book Escape from Andersonville - and his legendary movie career. Unforgiven, Superman, Mississippi Burning, Hoosiers and the list goes on...Gene is now an author! Escape From Andersonville is a novel all about the Civil War...We love you Mr. Luthor!
5. RUDY AND FARMVILLE (podcast) - There is a game on Facebook called Farmville...You have to maintain a farm including harvesting crops, and taking care of animals...Sounds gay right? Well Rudy has been all over this game, even posting accomplishments to his Facebook...FAIL!
6. KIDS GOING TO THE BATHROOM ALONE (podcast) - A 10 year old girl was molested in a mall bathroom...At what age do you let your kids use a public restroom alone? Which is safer a restroom at say Comerica Park, or a mall?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-17 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-17 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 26.61 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-17 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-17 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.25 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-17 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-17 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 15.89 MB
Here's some more advertisers:
Orchard Lake Framing and Gallery (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Alliance for the Great Lakes
American Planning Association
Habitat for Humanity
MLB Team Coalition
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
D&D - Sept 16, 2009
The longer commercial breaks that started yesterday look like they might be here to stay. Possibly due to the reduction in the number of breaks, some of the traffic reports are now, for the first time, not immediately proceeding the commercials. In other meta-news, the Workforce Business of the Day is winding down; as Jeff announced this morning, tomorrow Friday will be the final day of the promotion and the grand prize winner will be announced on Monday. My fingers are crossed for Shephard Hill Pooper Scoopers! Jessica from the Motor City Cafe (today's winner) was interviewed on the show today...this is the first WFBotD interview in a couple weeks, I believe.
D&D follow up on a few previously-mentioned topics today; the audio from Obama's "jackass" comment about Kanye West has leaked, the end of Aerosmith may be drawing nigh, and the true jackass of past week, Rep. Joe Wilson, was finally called out on the racist subtext of his tourettes-esque outburst by none other than a former President. In other celebrity news, OJ's former girlfriend (of THIRTEEN YEARS!) spoke about his aggressive actions (who did she think she was dating, MLK?), Ernie Harwell will be giving his "Lou Gehrig" speech tonight, and Ann Minch (who will hopefully soon be a celebrity) is protesting the greedy bastards on Wall St. Call-in segments included those listed below as well as a discussion on adrenaline rushes (inspired by this story) and another round of Play the Numbers. Also, if you haven't heard it yet, try to guess the most popular boy's name in London -- why aren't the British and teabaggers protesting? Web-worthy topics from this morning were, as read by the fortune tellers and WCSX.com:
1. THE MAN IN THE VAN PROJECT (pics) - Aaron Heideman is an artist who like many lost his job due to the recession...Aaron is traveling the country in a van collecting stories from people whose lives have also been affected by the recession. People will be allowed to write their stories on a large roll of paper, and he will be selecting certain stories to be written on the van itself. Aaron was cool enough to stop by WCSX this morning and talk with D&D about his adventure, before heading out to Grand Rapids for the final stop...Please visit Aaron’s website for more information!
2. TALKIN' TIGERS WITH JAMIE SAMUELSEN & ROD ALLEN (info / video) - Tune in to the WCSX Morning Show Deminski & Doyle every week for Tigers updates from new Sports Director Jamie Samuelsen and Rod Allen. Then, come out and join us at The Elwood Bar & Grill for your pre-game party from 5p - 7p on October 3rd when the Tigers take on the White Sox!
3. HOW WOULD YOU TORTURE THIS GUY (podcast) - Some piece of filth robbed a family in Roseville. As if that wasn't bad enough - he kittled (sic) their kitten by putting it in the washing machine and turning it on! Seriously - what would be the bes way to torture this creep?
4. JASMIN FROM SURVIVOR SAMOA (podcast) - Jasmin Giles is on the new season of Survivor - Samoa, debuting tomorrow night. Jasmin actually grew up in Detroit.
5. SPANKING CHILDREN (podcast) - There is yet another new study that says spanking your children could be done more harm than good for them in the long run. What do you think?
6. PLAYBOY'S COLLEGE SEX SURVEY! (podcast) - Listeners text their knowledge against D&D in Playboy's College Sex Survey. Try and guess which percentage of college guys answered what.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-16 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-16 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 24.92 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-16 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-16 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.1 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-16 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-16 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 10.55 MB
Three more new sponsors to list today:
Motor City Cafe (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Windsor Laser Eye Institute
D&D follow up on a few previously-mentioned topics today; the audio from Obama's "jackass" comment about Kanye West has leaked, the end of Aerosmith may be drawing nigh, and the true jackass of past week, Rep. Joe Wilson, was finally called out on the racist subtext of his tourettes-esque outburst by none other than a former President. In other celebrity news, OJ's former girlfriend (of THIRTEEN YEARS!) spoke about his aggressive actions (who did she think she was dating, MLK?), Ernie Harwell will be giving his "Lou Gehrig" speech tonight, and Ann Minch (who will hopefully soon be a celebrity) is protesting the greedy bastards on Wall St. Call-in segments included those listed below as well as a discussion on adrenaline rushes (inspired by this story) and another round of Play the Numbers. Also, if you haven't heard it yet, try to guess the most popular boy's name in London -- why aren't the British and teabaggers protesting? Web-worthy topics from this morning were, as read by the fortune tellers and WCSX.com:
1. THE MAN IN THE VAN PROJECT (pics) - Aaron Heideman is an artist who like many lost his job due to the recession...Aaron is traveling the country in a van collecting stories from people whose lives have also been affected by the recession. People will be allowed to write their stories on a large roll of paper, and he will be selecting certain stories to be written on the van itself. Aaron was cool enough to stop by WCSX this morning and talk with D&D about his adventure, before heading out to Grand Rapids for the final stop...Please visit Aaron’s website for more information!
2. TALKIN' TIGERS WITH JAMIE SAMUELSEN & ROD ALLEN (info / video) - Tune in to the WCSX Morning Show Deminski & Doyle every week for Tigers updates from new Sports Director Jamie Samuelsen and Rod Allen. Then, come out and join us at The Elwood Bar & Grill for your pre-game party from 5p - 7p on October 3rd when the Tigers take on the White Sox!
3. HOW WOULD YOU TORTURE THIS GUY (podcast) - Some piece of filth robbed a family in Roseville. As if that wasn't bad enough - he kittled (sic) their kitten by putting it in the washing machine and turning it on! Seriously - what would be the bes way to torture this creep?
4. JASMIN FROM SURVIVOR SAMOA (podcast) - Jasmin Giles is on the new season of Survivor - Samoa, debuting tomorrow night. Jasmin actually grew up in Detroit.
5. SPANKING CHILDREN (podcast) - There is yet another new study that says spanking your children could be done more harm than good for them in the long run. What do you think?
6. PLAYBOY'S COLLEGE SEX SURVEY! (podcast) - Listeners text their knowledge against D&D in Playboy's College Sex Survey. Try and guess which percentage of college guys answered what.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-16 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-16 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 24.92 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-16 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-16 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.1 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-16 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-16 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 10.55 MB
Three more new sponsors to list today:
Motor City Cafe (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Windsor Laser Eye Institute
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
D&D - Sept 15, 2009
This was a very odd show today. Not to bore anyone, but editing the show audio every day has given me a little insight into how the D&D Show is typically formatted. There's usually nine commercial breaks; the ones at 7am and 8am we usually pull out completely and the others are shortened. This makes for a nice, four-part three-part archive of the show. I'm not sure what the reasoning was, but today's show featured only six commercial breaks and they ran upwards of 9 1/2 minutes. The webstream must not be formatted correctly either, because there were some long gaps during some of the breaks (I noticed this yesterday as well). The commercial breaks at the end of each hour were removed, that's why the three parts to today's show aren't even close to the same size / length. Not sure if this has something to do with the elongated sports reports or not, but I did notice that Jamie Samuelsen has been given the title of "Sports Director" for the show.
Highlights from today's show included a lot of audio-based segments; there were replays of parts of a profanity-laced (but in a good way) off-air interview Jim O'Brien did with MMA fighter Kimbo Slice, a clip from Inside the Actors Studio featuring the cast of Family Guy (I'll be TiVO'ing this), audio from a few "Hot Chicks in Black & White Flicks" videos, an interview the guys found online with old fart anti-MMA boxing promoter Bob Arum, and a clip from musical comedian Mike Rayburn. The only call-in segment not make into an official podcast was a long discussion with "Professor Rudy" about freemasons and Dan Brown's new book. The guys pointed out how Jay Leno bashed the Lions during the first episode of his new show; Kanye "Jackass" West also appeared with Jay last night. And oh yeah, Patrick Swayze is dead -- D&D played the same sappy memorial montage twice, so I changed it up a bit the second time around. Web-worthy segments were, as selected by the drunken monkeys over at WCSX.com:
1. WHICH UFC FIGHTER ARE YOU? (link) - Take this personality quiz to find out which UFC fighter you resemble...Jim O'Brien is Tito Jackson...Oops Tito Ortiz...Our bad...
2. BEST FIRST ROLLER COASTER RIDE EVER! (video) - Can you remember your first roller coaster ride?...The bottom falling out of your stomach as you plunge down the 200ft first hill of the Magnum...Ah the joys of being a kid again! Live that moment again through this kid!
3. DEMINSKI'S THEORY ON PORN (podcast) - An adult film company is taking shape in Ann Arbor...Deminski thinks everyone has a price to star in an adult film...What's your price?
4. DOYLE'S DINE AND DASH? (podcast) - Mr. Ned Flanders himself...aka "shark eyes" went out to dinner for his friend's 40th birthday...Bill "apparently didn't realize only the buffet tab was to be picked up by his friend...So of course Doyle orders something from the menu, and skips out on the tab! Let the ball busting begin!
5. TIGER'S REPORT WITH ROD ALLEN (podcast) - Rod Allen checked in this morning with his weekly Tiger's Report...We are in the final stretch as the Tigers look forward to another post season appearance...Magglio is on fire, Nate goes to the bullpen, and Aubrey Huff saves the day...As we talk all things Tigers with Rod Allen!
6. WHITNEY HOUSTON'S SPITTING STORY (podcast) - The Bobby Brown Whitney Houston saga continues...Whitney went on Oprah and told a story of Bobby Brown at one time spitting on her...Rudy thinks that is the worst possible thing that can be done to a human...Even more than getting punched in the face, or calling someone a "son of a motherless goat"...Although a close second could be forcing someone to listen to My Prerogative on repeat!
7. D-list Week of 9/14 (video) - Weekly D&D update video.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-15 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-15 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 25.88 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-15 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-15 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.51 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-15 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-15 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 14.52 MB
Two new sponsors to list today:
Mr. G's (Garden City) (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
The Jay Leno Show (traffic sponsor)
Highlights from today's show included a lot of audio-based segments; there were replays of parts of a profanity-laced (but in a good way) off-air interview Jim O'Brien did with MMA fighter Kimbo Slice, a clip from Inside the Actors Studio featuring the cast of Family Guy (I'll be TiVO'ing this), audio from a few "Hot Chicks in Black & White Flicks" videos, an interview the guys found online with old fart anti-MMA boxing promoter Bob Arum, and a clip from musical comedian Mike Rayburn. The only call-in segment not make into an official podcast was a long discussion with "Professor Rudy" about freemasons and Dan Brown's new book. The guys pointed out how Jay Leno bashed the Lions during the first episode of his new show; Kanye "Jackass" West also appeared with Jay last night. And oh yeah, Patrick Swayze is dead -- D&D played the same sappy memorial montage twice, so I changed it up a bit the second time around. Web-worthy segments were, as selected by the drunken monkeys over at WCSX.com:
1. WHICH UFC FIGHTER ARE YOU? (link) - Take this personality quiz to find out which UFC fighter you resemble...Jim O'Brien is Tito Jackson...Oops Tito Ortiz...Our bad...
2. BEST FIRST ROLLER COASTER RIDE EVER! (video) - Can you remember your first roller coaster ride?...The bottom falling out of your stomach as you plunge down the 200ft first hill of the Magnum...Ah the joys of being a kid again! Live that moment again through this kid!
3. DEMINSKI'S THEORY ON PORN (podcast) - An adult film company is taking shape in Ann Arbor...Deminski thinks everyone has a price to star in an adult film...What's your price?
4. DOYLE'S DINE AND DASH? (podcast) - Mr. Ned Flanders himself...aka "shark eyes" went out to dinner for his friend's 40th birthday...Bill "apparently didn't realize only the buffet tab was to be picked up by his friend...So of course Doyle orders something from the menu, and skips out on the tab! Let the ball busting begin!
5. TIGER'S REPORT WITH ROD ALLEN (podcast) - Rod Allen checked in this morning with his weekly Tiger's Report...We are in the final stretch as the Tigers look forward to another post season appearance...Magglio is on fire, Nate goes to the bullpen, and Aubrey Huff saves the day...As we talk all things Tigers with Rod Allen!
6. WHITNEY HOUSTON'S SPITTING STORY (podcast) - The Bobby Brown Whitney Houston saga continues...Whitney went on Oprah and told a story of Bobby Brown at one time spitting on her...Rudy thinks that is the worst possible thing that can be done to a human...Even more than getting punched in the face, or calling someone a "son of a motherless goat"...Although a close second could be forcing someone to listen to My Prerogative on repeat!
7. D-list Week of 9/14 (video) - Weekly D&D update video.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-15 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-15 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 25.88 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-15 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-15 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.51 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-15 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-15 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 14.52 MB
Two new sponsors to list today:
Mr. G's (Garden City) (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
The Jay Leno Show (traffic sponsor)
Monday, September 14, 2009
D&D - Sept 14, 2009
I listened to "Mike in the Morning" on WRIF for a short time in 2008 while D&D were off, after Drew left but before Jamie joined the show. I really didn't care for Mike Clark's voice or his sense of humor, so I ended up switching to CDs and AM talk radio. Thus I know of Jamie Samuelsen, but I hadn't heard him on the air before today. My first impression was that his voice reminds me of the guy who records a lot of the infomercials for the WCSX webstream. Getting past that, the sports reports (which I still don't think are a really integral part of the show) seemed a little longer and more in-depth, perhaps reflecting Jamie's long sports background. Maybe his experience in radio at WRIF will allow him to be a bigger part of the show than just the "sports guy" -- not saying Jason didn't, but he wasn't really the catalyst for too many segments. Then again, with Jeff and Bill plus Rudy, Nicole, Jim, and now Jamie, we may run into the "too many cooks in the kitchen" problem that someone on the Yahoo group mentioned a few months ago.
On to today's show -- topics ranged from celebrity news (Susan Boylebutchered covered a Rolling Stones song, and unsurprisingly we find out that Michael Jordan and Kayne West are pricks and Serena Williams is a bitch) to local news (another metro Detroit mom drove drunk with her kid in the car, Jeff read off some more local Missed Connections, an anti-abortion protester was killed in Owosso, and the guys had a discussion about the best burger in Detroit) to rapid-fire, headline-style, FARK'ish stories (videotaping folks' asses will get you arrested, Brits like to drink, and check your baby before you leave the hospital). Rudy chimed in a few times; dismissing the soccer fanboy-ness, he had a point about wearing the wrong team's jersey (either in public or to a game). And though he did break a Man Law when he referenced Princess Di, he made up for it by almost running Nicole over during the Texting While Driving experiment. Featured segment were, as chosen by the bottom-feeding, scum-sucking algae eaters over at WCSX.com:
1. JEFF AND HIS SEXY SHOES (pic) - Jeff decided to bring "sexy back" and wear his black shoes with white socks to work on Monday...all the ladies in the house say "Hell Yeah!" (and by "house" we mean the ladies at the shuffleboard tournament in Boca Raton, Florida)
2. CRIS COLLINSWORTH LIKES HIS LADIES YOUNG (video link) - Every now and then someone will dig up a long lost video clip from the past that's so amazing in every way that you have to watch it multiple times to confirm it's real. This is one of those videos. Former Bengal Cris Collinsworth gives the average joe an insight of what it's like in the dating scene for a pro athlete some 20 years ago...Check out the video here!
3. WELCOMING JAMIE SAMUELSEN (podcast) - The D&D show welcomes Jamie Samuelsen with his first sportscast! We are glad to have Jamie with us, and we think you’ll agree! [audio from Chris Collinsworth video in here as well]
4. IS NICOLE FULL OF CRAP? (podcast) - Nicole Salem is moving into a condo that doesn't allow dogs. Nicole claims that she has a "medical condition" and has even gotten a DOCTORS NOTE sayingthat Lacy the Chihuahua is a therapy dog. Really Nicole?!
5. AN AFFAIR DILEMMA (podcast) - A guy gets away with cheating on his wife with one of her co-workers. 4 years later - that co-worker is now his wife's boss! Does he have to confess?
6. BAD BIRTHDAYS (podcast) - Can you imagine your birthday being on September 11 - a day that many consider one of the most tragic days of all time? What are some other bad birthdays?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-14 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-14 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.85 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-14 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-14 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.53 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-14 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-14 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.23 MB
Just one (free) advertiser to list today:
Java Hutt Cafe (Birmingham) (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
On to today's show -- topics ranged from celebrity news (Susan Boyle
1. JEFF AND HIS SEXY SHOES (pic) - Jeff decided to bring "sexy back" and wear his black shoes with white socks to work on Monday...all the ladies in the house say "Hell Yeah!" (and by "house" we mean the ladies at the shuffleboard tournament in Boca Raton, Florida)
2. CRIS COLLINSWORTH LIKES HIS LADIES YOUNG (video link) - Every now and then someone will dig up a long lost video clip from the past that's so amazing in every way that you have to watch it multiple times to confirm it's real. This is one of those videos. Former Bengal Cris Collinsworth gives the average joe an insight of what it's like in the dating scene for a pro athlete some 20 years ago...Check out the video here!
3. WELCOMING JAMIE SAMUELSEN (podcast) - The D&D show welcomes Jamie Samuelsen with his first sportscast! We are glad to have Jamie with us, and we think you’ll agree! [audio from Chris Collinsworth video in here as well]
4. IS NICOLE FULL OF CRAP? (podcast) - Nicole Salem is moving into a condo that doesn't allow dogs. Nicole claims that she has a "medical condition" and has even gotten a DOCTORS NOTE sayingthat Lacy the Chihuahua is a therapy dog. Really Nicole?!
5. AN AFFAIR DILEMMA (podcast) - A guy gets away with cheating on his wife with one of her co-workers. 4 years later - that co-worker is now his wife's boss! Does he have to confess?
6. BAD BIRTHDAYS (podcast) - Can you imagine your birthday being on September 11 - a day that many consider one of the most tragic days of all time? What are some other bad birthdays?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-14 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-14 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.85 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-14 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-14 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 18.53 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-14 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-14 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.23 MB
Just one (free) advertiser to list today:
Java Hutt Cafe (Birmingham) (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Friday, September 11, 2009
D&D - Sept 11, 2009
We had another one of those "very special announcements" from D&D right at the end of the show today -- we know what happened after the last one of those. Jason Carr had signed off for the final time thirty minutes beforehand, so I was fairly sure this announcement would have something to do with his departure. Well WCSX (or Greater Media) failed to follow my kill-the-sports-reports suggestion and decided to hire Jamie Samuelson (-sen?) as Jason's replacement. Not a wholly unpredictable move, especially since Jamie worked for Greater Media as recently as July (BTW - I stumbed upon a Drew & Mike/Zip/Jamie audio archive in case anyone is interested). And as for the last "very special announcement" that circumsized the D&D show back in April -- Jeff stated today that they're "working on getting that back." Seems easy enough to infer, based on context, that he was talking about the 9am hour.
As for the show today -- there was obviously a lot of 9/11 anniversary topics. Along with the standard "Where Were You?" call-in segment and the interview with the 9/11 survivor podcast listed below, the crew told their own stories about that day. Other longer segments today ranged from Rudy gloating about his pir4t3 sk1llz (Rudy gon' get raped!) to an in-studio appearance by comic David Dyer. There were also some smaller, Friday-esque news items, including a local Oedipussian story that will make some therapist rich, another update on Tila Tequila (why?), a report about a guy (maybe a relative of Taryn's?) who really, really wanted to be Alice in Wonderland, a farting Austrian (no not that one), an update on the is-she-a-he track star, and a few end-of-show filler stories from Doyle -- mice can levitate, former football player Orlando Brown is nasty, and the dick-chop is worthy of indefinite detention. Web-worthy topics were, as selected by the pimps and whores over at WCSX.com:
1. BEATLES ROCK BAND - THE PICS FROM THE STUDIO (pics) - Thanks to everyone who came by Wednesday morning to play "Beatles Rock Band" - Aesop's Catering provided breakfast, and Sargent Appliances gave us a sweet 42" LG TV...THANK YOU!
2. DETROIT LIONS - THIS IS FUNNY...AND KINDA MEAN (video) - NFL Players Mentor Troubled Detroit Lions...
3. WHERE WERE YOU ON 9/11 (podcast) - This morning is the 8 year anniversary of 9/11...Where were you when you heard the news?
4. WAS DEMINSKI A JERK? (podcast) - Jeff went out to dinner with his mom last night...He asked to be moved because there was a special needs person creating an uneasy atmosphere...Was he a jerk?
5. TOM HADDAD - 9/11 SURVIVOR (podcast) - Tom Haddad is a survivor of 9/11...He was inside one of the towers and made it out alive...Listen to his incredible story! He also has a book out Tower Stories - An Oral History of 9/11.
6. HIDING AN ANIMAL (podcast) - If a landlord strictly prohibits pets in their living facility, is it ok for you to sneak one in? Nicole thinks so...and apparently so do some of our listeners...
7. ROD ALLEN (podcast) - FSD'S Rod Allen checked in with his weekly Tiger's Report...After getting swept by the Royals can the Tigers hang on and win the division?
8. BOB SAGET (podcast) - The famous Bob Saget was on the show this morning...He will be performing at The Royal Oak Music Theatre Nov. 14th...tickets go on sale today at 5pm!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-11 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-11 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.06 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-11 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-11 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.28 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-11 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-11 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 26.16 MB
A few more advertisers to list today:
Stylerite Awards (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Varsity Ford in Ann Arbor
Central Garden / Pennington Smart Seed (Tigers report sponsor)
As for the show today -- there was obviously a lot of 9/11 anniversary topics. Along with the standard "Where Were You?" call-in segment and the interview with the 9/11 survivor podcast listed below, the crew told their own stories about that day. Other longer segments today ranged from Rudy gloating about his pir4t3 sk1llz (Rudy gon' get raped!) to an in-studio appearance by comic David Dyer. There were also some smaller, Friday-esque news items, including a local Oedipussian story that will make some therapist rich, another update on Tila Tequila (why?), a report about a guy (maybe a relative of Taryn's?) who really, really wanted to be Alice in Wonderland, a farting Austrian (no not that one), an update on the is-she-a-he track star, and a few end-of-show filler stories from Doyle -- mice can levitate, former football player Orlando Brown is nasty, and the dick-chop is worthy of indefinite detention. Web-worthy topics were, as selected by the pimps and whores over at WCSX.com:
1. BEATLES ROCK BAND - THE PICS FROM THE STUDIO (pics) - Thanks to everyone who came by Wednesday morning to play "Beatles Rock Band" - Aesop's Catering provided breakfast, and Sargent Appliances gave us a sweet 42" LG TV...THANK YOU!
2. DETROIT LIONS - THIS IS FUNNY...AND KINDA MEAN (video) - NFL Players Mentor Troubled Detroit Lions...
3. WHERE WERE YOU ON 9/11 (podcast) - This morning is the 8 year anniversary of 9/11...Where were you when you heard the news?
4. WAS DEMINSKI A JERK? (podcast) - Jeff went out to dinner with his mom last night...He asked to be moved because there was a special needs person creating an uneasy atmosphere...Was he a jerk?
5. TOM HADDAD - 9/11 SURVIVOR (podcast) - Tom Haddad is a survivor of 9/11...He was inside one of the towers and made it out alive...Listen to his incredible story! He also has a book out Tower Stories - An Oral History of 9/11.
6. HIDING AN ANIMAL (podcast) - If a landlord strictly prohibits pets in their living facility, is it ok for you to sneak one in? Nicole thinks so...and apparently so do some of our listeners...
7. ROD ALLEN (podcast) - FSD'S Rod Allen checked in with his weekly Tiger's Report...After getting swept by the Royals can the Tigers hang on and win the division?
8. BOB SAGET (podcast) - The famous Bob Saget was on the show this morning...He will be performing at The Royal Oak Music Theatre Nov. 14th...tickets go on sale today at 5pm!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-11 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-11 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.06 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-11 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-11 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.28 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-11 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-11 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 26.16 MB
A few more advertisers to list today:
Stylerite Awards (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Varsity Ford in Ann Arbor
Central Garden / Pennington Smart Seed (Tigers report sponsor)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
D&D - Sept 10, 2009
The video games are put away and the guys are back to doing real work. Well, as real as you can get on a radio morning show. Big news out of today's show is the departure of Jason Carr; due to a promotion at FOX 2, tomorrow will be his last day as a regular member of the D&D crew. Good for him...and as for the hourly sports reports, nothing against Jason, but I've always felt they were a waste of time. I don't know if the WCSX management added them to the show because they heard Beaver doing them over at 97.1, but they should be made aware that D&D only did hourly sports updates for three months out of nine years at WKRK/WXYT (and then only because it was a sports station). D&D can do the interviews with Rod Allen, Ken Daniels, and a Red Wing-to-be-named-later -- that's enough sports for me.
Today's show had a plethora of call-in segments, as has been par for the course lately. The one I wish they would have podcasted was a segment about Jumping the Shark (my vote would have been for The West Wing after Aaron Sorkin left). There were a number of short local stories mentioned midway through the show; Oakland University classes are back in session, an armed purse snatcher was twarted at a Warren Kroger, a Birmigham mom tried to drive her kid to school whiledrunk shitfaced smashed harder than Rhianna's face, another car got hit by a train in Metro Detroit, and audio was played of FOX 2's coverage of yesterday's in-studio Beatles Rockband jam-fest. Also, in a pseduo-local story out of Ohio, a noise ordinance brought out the cutural stereotypes in everyone. Other topics covered included a "great moments in public speaking" segment, an anti-climax from Steve Jobs, a couple of airliner stories, another round of Play the Numbers, a discussion about non-manly dogs and neuticles, two "Idiot Republican of the Day" nominees, and tips about improving your memory from that cranky guy. Podcast-worthy topics were, after the votes were tallied up by the Diebold Fraud-o-Matic 3000 at WCSX.com:
1. JOHN NIYO (podcast) - Detroit News Beat writer for the Detroit Lions, John Niyo called in to discuss the Lions and what they're doing to prepare for the regular season.
2. THE INFLUENCE OF POT (podcast) - A new study says that driving while under the influence of pot doesn't impair your judgment. So should you get a DUI if you're driving while high?
3. THE BEST MOVIES (podcast) - Think of movie categories like action, horror, comedy, sci-fi, etc. Now try to pick what you think is the best movie in each category.
4. BILL AND THE MOUSE (podcast) - Bill Doyle woke up this morning to find a MOUSE in his home. Now he is taking suggestions from listeners on how to kill mice. He prefers the less humane methods.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-10 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-10 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.32 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-10 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-10 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.27 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-10 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-10 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.18 MB
Three new sponsors to list today:
Anderson Music Company (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Detroit Symphony Orchestra (traffic sponsor)
Today's show had a plethora of call-in segments, as has been par for the course lately. The one I wish they would have podcasted was a segment about Jumping the Shark (my vote would have been for The West Wing after Aaron Sorkin left). There were a number of short local stories mentioned midway through the show; Oakland University classes are back in session, an armed purse snatcher was twarted at a Warren Kroger, a Birmigham mom tried to drive her kid to school while
1. JOHN NIYO (podcast) - Detroit News Beat writer for the Detroit Lions, John Niyo called in to discuss the Lions and what they're doing to prepare for the regular season.
2. THE INFLUENCE OF POT (podcast) - A new study says that driving while under the influence of pot doesn't impair your judgment. So should you get a DUI if you're driving while high?
3. THE BEST MOVIES (podcast) - Think of movie categories like action, horror, comedy, sci-fi, etc. Now try to pick what you think is the best movie in each category.
4. BILL AND THE MOUSE (podcast) - Bill Doyle woke up this morning to find a MOUSE in his home. Now he is taking suggestions from listeners on how to kill mice. He prefers the less humane methods.
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-10 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-10 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.32 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-10 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-10 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.27 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-10 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-10 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.18 MB
Three new sponsors to list today:
Anderson Music Company (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Detroit Symphony Orchestra (traffic sponsor)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
D&D - Sept 9, 2009
First there was St. Patty's Day in March. Then the Tiger's home opener in April. Even though the NYE party was earlier than both of those, it wasn't technically a full show. The Faces Not Numbers broadcast came next in May. Though today's show wasn't exactly like those -- it wasn't a remote broadcast -- it was a "Very Special Episode" of the D&D Show. Beatles Rockband, baby! It's a nice gig when you get to play a video game for three hours straight. Today's show featured multiple live clips of D&D listeners and crew members butchering the hell out of paying tribute to the Fab Four. The "Doc of Rock" Doug Podell even got in on the action, as did a special celebrity guest (see below). There were a couple real Beatles songs played and two interviews from last week were replayed -- all of these were left unaltered in the spirit of the day. There weren't a whole lot of "real" segments to podcast on the website; here the ones that were selected by the bubblehead walrus (that's a Beatles reference, not a fat crack on Jim...though he was a bubblehead) over at WCSX.com:
1. "JACK NICHOLSON" (audio) - Colonel Jessup himself stopped by the WCSX studio and amazed the guys with his own Rockband rendition of "Ticket to Ride."
2. ROCKBAND RELEASE PARTY (video) - Watch some clips from the WCSX Beatles Rockband release party last night at Blockbuster! Love and peace to the old hippie!
3. LARRY DONABEDIAN (podcast) - Larry painted the Yellow Submarine album cover on his dad's garage! How cool is that?
4. GARY GRAFF (podcast) - WCSX Classic Rock Insider checked in with all things Beatles...Rock Band and The Re-masters...
5. GILES MARTIN - ALL THINGS BEATLES (old podcast) - He's the son of Sir George Martin, and the man behind the remastering of "Beatles Love," "Beatles Rock Band" and the new remastered Beatles collection...Giles Martin joined us LIVE from Abbey Road Studios in London to talk about working with Paul, Ringo, Olivia Harrison & Yoko
6. JOSH RANDALL - CREATOR OF BEATLES ROCK BAND INTERVIEW (old podcast) - It's the most anticipated video game release of the year (possibly ever?) - we spoke with Josh Randall, Creative Director from Harmonix about "Beatles Rock Band" - imagine playing in front of Paul & Ringo? He did...AT ABBEY ROAD! Great interview...very cool guy
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-09 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-09 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 23.32 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-09 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-09 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.12 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-09 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-09 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.42 MB
Two new sponsors to list today:
Floribunda Florist (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Sargent Appliance
1. "JACK NICHOLSON" (audio) - Colonel Jessup himself stopped by the WCSX studio and amazed the guys with his own Rockband rendition of "Ticket to Ride."
2. ROCKBAND RELEASE PARTY (video) - Watch some clips from the WCSX Beatles Rockband release party last night at Blockbuster! Love and peace to the old hippie!
3. LARRY DONABEDIAN (podcast) - Larry painted the Yellow Submarine album cover on his dad's garage! How cool is that?
4. GARY GRAFF (podcast) - WCSX Classic Rock Insider checked in with all things Beatles...Rock Band and The Re-masters...
5. GILES MARTIN - ALL THINGS BEATLES (old podcast) - He's the son of Sir George Martin, and the man behind the remastering of "Beatles Love," "Beatles Rock Band" and the new remastered Beatles collection...Giles Martin joined us LIVE from Abbey Road Studios in London to talk about working with Paul, Ringo, Olivia Harrison & Yoko
6. JOSH RANDALL - CREATOR OF BEATLES ROCK BAND INTERVIEW (old podcast) - It's the most anticipated video game release of the year (possibly ever?) - we spoke with Josh Randall, Creative Director from Harmonix about "Beatles Rock Band" - imagine playing in front of Paul & Ringo? He did...AT ABBEY ROAD! Great interview...very cool guy
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-09 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-09 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 23.32 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-09 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-09 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.12 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-09 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-09 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.42 MB
Two new sponsors to list today:
Floribunda Florist (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Sargent Appliance
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
D&D - Sept 8, 2009
Here's the audio from yesterday's "Best Of" show...it appears the entire crew had the day off, as there was no one on-air between songs and D&D segments. Music and commercials have been pulled out. The D&D clips replayed were all interviews -- Davis Guggenheim, creator of the "It Might Get Loud" documentary, Daniel Tosh from Comedy Central's Tosh.O, the (in)famous duo Cheech & Chong, all-star quarterback Warren Moon, and actors Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Lost) and B.J. Novak (The Office / Inglorious Basterds).
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-07 - Best Of (full show)
Filename: 2009-09-07 - Best Of.mp3 Size: 27.36 MB
It was time for D&D to get back in the saddle this morning. They had a very full show with a lot of topics, some new and some revisited. Besides the rehashed "Cashiers and Their Comments" podcast below, Lee Thomas from FOX 2 was interviewed again, Jay the Cable Guy called in with another update on his Man vs. Food episode, and Obama's "socialist brainwashing" speech was addressed. The Beatles Rockband game spawned a discussion about midnight release parties -- don't forget about the Open House at WCSX tomorrow (and note, as with last week, Beatles songs played during D&D were left unedited). Other segments included Tila Tequila's beatdown (she is, contrary topopular my belief, not a transvestite), a local story about a dismembered body found in a freezer, a marriage proposal gone very awry, a couple Facebook stories, a suicidal Chilean nerd, a Jerry Lewis flipout clip, a Detroit News article telling football fans to eat healthy (HA!), and an application by Rudy for an Internet addiction rehab center. Podcast-worthy topics were, as selected by the colonic spelunkers over at WCSX.com:
1. WCSX BEATLES GIVEAWAYS! (link) - WCSX is celebrating The Beatles and their World Premiere of "The Beatles: Rock Band" with Beatle Breaks, interviews, box sets and digitally remastered CD giveaways!
2. IS IT REALLY AN ADDICTION? (podcast) - Internet addiction: Is it real? Is it something you should spend thousands of dollars getting help for? What about Cherry Passion Tic Tacs?
3. CASHIERS AND THEIR COMMENTS (podcast) - Nicole Salem has a friend that had to make a bit of an embarassing purchase. To make matters worse...the cashier found the need to comment on it.
4. CONCERT REVIEWS (podcast) - Labor Day Weekend was packed with events and concerts. Jeff, Jim and Rudy went to see ZZTop, got a limo, and boozed it up like rockstars. Nicole Salem got to introduce Joan Jett on stage at Arts Beats and Eats.
5. IS THIS RACIST? (podcast) - A woman wrote in to an advice column because when her friends found out that she would prefer not to date a black man (she's white), they were all stunned. Do you think not wanting to date someone or a particular race is being racist?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-08 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-08 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.52 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-08 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-08 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.62 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-08 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-08 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.41 MB
Just one additional (free) advertiser today:
Empire Fence (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-07 - Best Of (full show)
Filename: 2009-09-07 - Best Of.mp3 Size: 27.36 MB
It was time for D&D to get back in the saddle this morning. They had a very full show with a lot of topics, some new and some revisited. Besides the rehashed "Cashiers and Their Comments" podcast below, Lee Thomas from FOX 2 was interviewed again, Jay the Cable Guy called in with another update on his Man vs. Food episode, and Obama's "socialist brainwashing" speech was addressed. The Beatles Rockband game spawned a discussion about midnight release parties -- don't forget about the Open House at WCSX tomorrow (and note, as with last week, Beatles songs played during D&D were left unedited). Other segments included Tila Tequila's beatdown (she is, contrary to
1. WCSX BEATLES GIVEAWAYS! (link) - WCSX is celebrating The Beatles and their World Premiere of "The Beatles: Rock Band" with Beatle Breaks, interviews, box sets and digitally remastered CD giveaways!
2. IS IT REALLY AN ADDICTION? (podcast) - Internet addiction: Is it real? Is it something you should spend thousands of dollars getting help for? What about Cherry Passion Tic Tacs?
3. CASHIERS AND THEIR COMMENTS (podcast) - Nicole Salem has a friend that had to make a bit of an embarassing purchase. To make matters worse...the cashier found the need to comment on it.
4. CONCERT REVIEWS (podcast) - Labor Day Weekend was packed with events and concerts. Jeff, Jim and Rudy went to see ZZTop, got a limo, and boozed it up like rockstars. Nicole Salem got to introduce Joan Jett on stage at Arts Beats and Eats.
5. IS THIS RACIST? (podcast) - A woman wrote in to an advice column because when her friends found out that she would prefer not to date a black man (she's white), they were all stunned. Do you think not wanting to date someone or a particular race is being racist?
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-08 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-08 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.52 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-08 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-08 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.62 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-08 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-08 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 21.41 MB
Just one additional (free) advertiser today:
Empire Fence (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Monday, September 7, 2009
D&D - Sept 7, 2009
D&D were in Best Of this morning -- and I just got back home after being out all day. I'll get a recording of the Best Of up tomorrow morning along with the normal Tuesday show -- pretty sure they're back on tomorrow. They will definitely be live on Wednesday for the Beatles Rockband open house (still not sure if the Super Bonus Points Breakfast will be supplied as previously promised ;-)...
UPDATE 9/8/09: Just heard on today's show that there will be food...
COME IN STUDIO AND PLAY BEATLES ROCK BAND (info) - We'll have the new "Beatles Rock Band" in our studios Wednesday morning - and we’d love for YOU to come by and play it during our show from 6-9am! click here for directions. BIG THANKS to Sargent Appliances - they're supplying a 46" LG TV for the studio on Wednesday morning.
UPDATE 9/8/09: Just heard on today's show that there will be food...
COME IN STUDIO AND PLAY BEATLES ROCK BAND (info) - We'll have the new "Beatles Rock Band" in our studios Wednesday morning - and we’d love for YOU to come by and play it during our show from 6-9am! click here for directions. BIG THANKS to Sargent Appliances - they're supplying a 46" LG TV for the studio on Wednesday morning.

Friday, September 4, 2009
D&D - Sept 4, 2009
There's an "open house" of sorts planned at the WCSX studios next Wednesday to coincide with the release of the new Beatles Rock Band game. No word on whether breakfast will be served. Other D&D "meta" topics from this morning were a rare mini-reoccurrence of the Friday Game, a story from a female friend of Deminski's about a parking lot altercation, and replays of a couple archived interview clips -- Jeff Daniels (during the phobia segment - #5 below) and Ernie Harwell (after mentioning his cancer diagnosis). Some other points of conversation from today's show (all from the less-than-organized final hour of the week) included a story about a local bar and unpaid back taxes, an anti-health care reform nut (whose "digital reconstruction" surgery was covered by that darn socialist program Medicare) refusing to take accountability for starting a fight, a look into the mind of male vs. female adulterers, a U of M study about obese mice, and a sad story about how the US Heath and Human Services department had to use a YouTube contest to get people to take common sense flu precautions. The plethora of podcast-worthy segments included, as selected by the Venganza FSM cultists over at WCSX.com:
1. OREGON VS BOISE ST. SUCKER PUNCH! (video) - Ahhhh...Fall is in the air...the leaves are changing...it's getting dark earlier...and of course football! Nothing like a good old fashioned sucker punch to kick off the season!
2. AIRPORT SECURITY (podcast) - A listener sent an interesting email...He was passing through airport security and had his leatherman tool confiscated...But on another flight made it through with a pocket knife?
3. HARRY SHEARER (podcast) - Harry Shearer talked to D&D this morning...You know Harry from Spinal Tap, and other Christopher Guest movies [and the Huffington Post]...He is also the voice of Smithers, Flanders, Reverend Lovejoy, and Principal Skinner from the Simpsons!
4. THINGS THAT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL (podcast) - There are many things that should be illegal...Blowing your nose at a the table of a restaurant? Kids in baggy pants show their underwear? What would you make illegal?
5. RUDY'S FEAR OF SPIDERS (podcast) - Rudy is scared to death of spiders...A study now shows that little girls are born scared of spiders...Coincidence? What are your fears?
6. GILES MARTIN - ALL THINGS BEATLES (podcast) - He's the son of Sir George Martin, and the man behind the remastering of "Beatles Love," "Beatles Rock Band" and the new remastered Beatles collection...Giles Martin joined us LIVE from Abbey Road Studios in London to talk about working with Paul, Ringo, Olivia Harrison & Yoko.
7. ROD ALLEN (podcast) - FSD's Rod Allen checked in this morning with his weekly Tiger Report...Will they hang on and win the division? How about Gerald Laird gunning down would be base stealers!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-04 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-04 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.68 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-04 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-04 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 28 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-04 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-04 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 20.84 MB
Two new advertisers to list:
b.bouncin Party Rentals (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Michigan Renaissance Festival
P.S. No music was edited out today -- the two new remastered Beatles songs were left alone because they rock and the Spinal Tap song was not modified because it is funny as hell.
1. OREGON VS BOISE ST. SUCKER PUNCH! (video) - Ahhhh...Fall is in the air...the leaves are changing...it's getting dark earlier...and of course football! Nothing like a good old fashioned sucker punch to kick off the season!
2. AIRPORT SECURITY (podcast) - A listener sent an interesting email...He was passing through airport security and had his leatherman tool confiscated...But on another flight made it through with a pocket knife?
3. HARRY SHEARER (podcast) - Harry Shearer talked to D&D this morning...You know Harry from Spinal Tap, and other Christopher Guest movies [and the Huffington Post]...He is also the voice of Smithers, Flanders, Reverend Lovejoy, and Principal Skinner from the Simpsons!
4. THINGS THAT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL (podcast) - There are many things that should be illegal...Blowing your nose at a the table of a restaurant? Kids in baggy pants show their underwear? What would you make illegal?
5. RUDY'S FEAR OF SPIDERS (podcast) - Rudy is scared to death of spiders...A study now shows that little girls are born scared of spiders...Coincidence? What are your fears?
6. GILES MARTIN - ALL THINGS BEATLES (podcast) - He's the son of Sir George Martin, and the man behind the remastering of "Beatles Love," "Beatles Rock Band" and the new remastered Beatles collection...Giles Martin joined us LIVE from Abbey Road Studios in London to talk about working with Paul, Ringo, Olivia Harrison & Yoko.
7. ROD ALLEN (podcast) - FSD's Rod Allen checked in this morning with his weekly Tiger Report...Will they hang on and win the division? How about Gerald Laird gunning down would be base stealers!
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-04 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-04 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.68 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-04 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-04 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 28 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-04 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-04 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 20.84 MB
Two new advertisers to list:
b.bouncin Party Rentals (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Michigan Renaissance Festival
P.S. No music was edited out today -- the two new remastered Beatles songs were left alone because they rock and the Spinal Tap song was not modified because it is funny as hell.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
D&D - Sept 3, 2009
D&D continued the positive trends of increased listener interaction and decreased music today, but also gave another treat to those of us who listen to the show live -- less commercials. Commercial breaks usually range from 5-6 minutes, but today the longest break was 4 1/2 minutes and the majority of them were between 2-3 minutes. Good news for the listeners (more show, less ads), but perhaps this is bad news for the show? Did "Bikegate" lead to a Glenn Beck-style advertiser backlash? It'll be interesting to see if this trend continues. As for the call-in segments, there were five more today; in addition to the three listed below, D&D surveyed listener opinion on the asshat who slapped a kid at a Wal-Mart (again, like "Bikegate," we've all wanted to, but we know better), and there was another round of Play the Numbers. Celebrities were also a hot topic today; the Governator, Miss "Firecrotch," and Whitney "My Voice Is On Crack" Houston all were mentioned, and musician Billy Squirer was interviewed. Other topics included a story about a wood chipper accident (think Fargo), a WCSX Dream Machine update, and a short reference to "Placebo buttons." Podcast-worthy topics were, as discovered by the zombie archaeologists at WCSX.com:
1. JOYCE DEWITT MUGSHOT - SEXXXYYYY (pic) - Joyce DeWitt (Three's Company) got busted for drunk driving...lovely mugshot, eh?
2. BEATLES ROCK BAND - THE MAN WHO CREATED IT (podcast) - D&D talked to Josh Randall - the director behind of the game Beatles Rock Band! He even got to PLAY the game for Paul McCartney!! Imagine playing Beatles music in front of Ringo & Paul...no pressure there huh? To watch an ad for the game - click here!
3. MAN WANTS TO NURSE BABIES (podcast) - Breastfeeding is just for women...or is it?? How do you feel about a MAN wanting to breastfeed a baby? [Click here to read the Swedish article mentioned on the show.]
4. THE "GO-GIRL" (podcast) - There is a new product that allows WOMEN to...ahem...pee while standing. Good idea? Or gross? Would you use it? [The Free Press actually wrote about this thing -- I agree with the commenter who said, "A woman standing up to pee, pissing in a silicone cup and then putting it back in her purse just doesn't seem too attractive to me."]
5. TV CRUSHES (podcast) - Who was your TV crush when you were younger? How do they look now? Joyce Dewitt...not looking so hot anymore. [D&D also took some calls about the "cougar" phenomenon.]
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-03 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-03 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.83 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-03 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-03 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.78 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-03 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-03 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.62 MB
Just one additional (free) advertiser today:
Metro Sports of Michigan (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
1. JOYCE DEWITT MUGSHOT - SEXXXYYYY (pic) - Joyce DeWitt (Three's Company) got busted for drunk driving...lovely mugshot, eh?
2. BEATLES ROCK BAND - THE MAN WHO CREATED IT (podcast) - D&D talked to Josh Randall - the director behind of the game Beatles Rock Band! He even got to PLAY the game for Paul McCartney!! Imagine playing Beatles music in front of Ringo & Paul...no pressure there huh? To watch an ad for the game - click here!
3. MAN WANTS TO NURSE BABIES (podcast) - Breastfeeding is just for women...or is it?? How do you feel about a MAN wanting to breastfeed a baby? [Click here to read the Swedish article mentioned on the show.]
4. THE "GO-GIRL" (podcast) - There is a new product that allows WOMEN to...ahem...pee while standing. Good idea? Or gross? Would you use it? [The Free Press actually wrote about this thing -- I agree with the commenter who said, "A woman standing up to pee, pissing in a silicone cup and then putting it back in her purse just doesn't seem too attractive to me."]
5. TV CRUSHES (podcast) - Who was your TV crush when you were younger? How do they look now? Joyce Dewitt...not looking so hot anymore. [D&D also took some calls about the "cougar" phenomenon.]
Here's the show:
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-03 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-03 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 21.83 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-03 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-09-03 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.78 MB
Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-03 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-03 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.62 MB
Just one additional (free) advertiser today:
Metro Sports of Michigan (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
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