Tuesday, September 1, 2009

D&D - Sept 1, 2009

As Jason Carr put it, "You guys [were] in rare form this morning." Doyle was his normal cantankerous self, yelling at everyone, threatening Rudy, and making fun of Deminski's "shady lady" drink while Jeff was laughing his ass (and arms) off at Dave Coulier and his creepy Craigslist missed connections. For his part, Rudy didn't seem too offended that everyone forgot his birthday yesterday; he was pretty enthusiastically argumentative with callers today. Nicole also got in on the fun by offering up to be acupuncture'd (Jim declined due to fear of popping). I wonder how soon it'll be until we see acupuncture-fetish posts on Craigslist? Other topics covered included a clips from an interview with the psycho California kidnapper, an interview with Mike Goldberg, co-host of "Shaq Vs," a discussion about a study on the butterface girlfriend phenomenon and men's vs. women's attractiveness standards, and a quick update on the California wildfires (2009 edition). Website-worthy topics were, as selected by the Mensa Monkeys (wonder why it's not spelled "monkies?") at WCSX.com:

1. TEEN CRIES BLOOD (CNN video) - Calvino Inman is a 15-year-old who has baffled doctors by crying blood. Holy Stigmata Batman! Click here for the video!
2. A CAR THAT PREVENTS DRUNK DRIVING (podcast) - Toyota is developing a car that won't let you drive it if you’re drunk. Good idea? Or really bad idea?
3. DAVE COULIER (podcast) - Dave Coulier stopped by the station to talk about bras for a cause - which he'll be hosting Saturday September 12th from 6pm-10pm at The Royal Oak Music Theatre! For more info click here!
4. MULLETS! (podcast) - Hey look! Another bet that Rudy is sure to lose! D&D ask the listeners - do people still have mullets? When and where do you see them?
5. ROCK DEATHS (podcast) - Famous rock stars, and how they died. You know the rock stars and their music - but how well do you know what killed them? [Love it when Rudy argues with callers!]
6. JOE SCHAD - TALKING U OF M FOOTBALL (podcast) - ESPN's Football Insider Joe Schad joined D&D Tuesday morning to talk about Rich Rod's press conference...and where everything stands in the investigation - very interesting conversation

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-01 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-09-01 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 20.79 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-01 Hour 2

Filename: 2009-09-01 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 23.44 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-09-01 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-09-01 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 20.23 MB

Two WFBotD winners to list; today's and one I somehow missed from 8/5:

Sea The World Scuba Center (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)
Dana Energy Savers (WFBotD winner from Aug 5)

P.S. Still going with the WFBotD ads only; if anyone is interested, here is a list of all the winners so far.

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