Monday, March 30, 2009

D&D - Mar 30, 2009

The WCSX stream seems to be set up a bit differently now, maybe the issues last Friday were related to this. 99% of the "Internet-only" infomercial ads are now gone, so it would appear that the online stream now mirrors exactly what is heard over the air. What this means for the shows listed here is a slight increase in the number of ads, but a lot less repetition, new advertisers to list here, as well as ads for sponsors we've listed here before but haven't been able to include in the podcasts. Shows will also be posted a tad bit later in the day as it's a bit more of an exercise to edit them up.

Here's a bit of what was featured on today's show according to

1. THE OTHER HALF OF FAMOUS TWINS (link) - Ashton Kutcher is a dashing (albeit goofy) leading man and the most famous cougar cub in history, but few people know that he has a fraternal twin. Michael Kutcher was born with cerebral palsy and had a life-saving heart transplant when he was 13-years-old. Always his twins protector when the two were growing up, Ashton decided to move to Hollywood to pursue his acting career, while Michael stayed in Iowa and sells retirement plans...Check out more twins here...
2. GHOST HAUNTS CASTLE? (pics) - Experts on the paranormal are scratching their heads over this image, showing an odd figure apparently wearing period clothes and peering from a window in a Scottish castle. The shot was taken by a tourist in May of last year and made public Friday by scholar Richard Wiseman, who received it when he invited people from around the world to send him their photos of ghosts...Here at WCSX, we have some guesses!
3. SHANNON SHELTON ON MSU IN THE FINAL FOUR (podcast) - Shannon Shelton, of called in to talk about Michigan State’s rise to the Final Four. Jason Carr, dressing in his Spartan’s practice jersey, remains unable to contain his glory.
4. GUYS PLANNING THEIR WEDDINGS!? (podcast) - Can we all agree that there are some things a guy should never do? How about when a man is involved in the planning of his own wedding? D&D agree that is something that should be left to the bride.
5. NOW ACCEPTING DONATIONS FOR KWAME! (podcast) - Former Detroit Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick has really had it rough. He is being forced to live on JUST $10,000 per month. Being the humanitarians that they are, D&D sent Leah the Intern out to ask for donations to help our poor, impoverished Kwamster.
6. ROD MELONI (podcast) - As new developments occur with The Big Three…D&D went to Channel 4’s Business Editor Rod Meloni...Rick Wagoner is out at GM, and things look to get worse before they get better...
7. THE NIGHT OUT (podcast) - Nicole, Rudy, and Rudy’s friend Wolfe went out Saturday night...Rudy still refuses to take his hat off at the bar...Nicole got too hammered and barfed in the parking lot...Ah good times...

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-03-30 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-03-30 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 22.63 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-03-30 Hour 2
(minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-03-30 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 25.7 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-03-30 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-03-30 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 22.78 MB

Note: Hour 4 missing a bit at the beginning of Jason's sports report and a few seconds around 10:10am...

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-03-30 Hour 4 (minus March Bandness songs)
Filename: 2009-03-30 Hour 4.mp3 Size: 25.69 MB

Several new advertisers to list:

American Cycle and Fitness
Michigan Lottery
Tom Tom (traffic sponsor)
Natural Way Lawn Care
Trade First
Detroit News / Detroit Free Press
Rio Wraps
Honey Baked Ham


Anonymous said...

Mirrors what is heard over the air? Damn, that means no more cuss words slipping through.

It looks like the natives are getting restless on the Yahoo Group. I'm sure it's too much work, but it would be cool if you could post what you do now, and also post a shorter version of the show that takes out all the song's, interviews, sports updates, and traffic updates.

Anonymous D&D Fan said...

Today was a pain to edit -- the Internet-only commercials always had a bit of silence before and after them so it was easy to pull them up / move them around. Now the commercials have segues and aren't easily identifiable just from looking at the audio graph. That's actually the reason I always left the sports and traffic in. I do pull (most) of the music out though.

If you're listening to these on a computer, download WinAmp and it'll let you "fast forward" (jump ahead 10 seconds at a time) by using the arrow keys. If you're listening in a CD player, you can fast-forward as well. All else fails, if you have the time, you can edit them out yourself - Goldwave is a good free audio editing program.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I will try Goldwave. Audacity seems to take forever to edit. I usually listen on a CD player in my car. It takes about 6 seconds to fast forward a minute, which doesn't seem too bad, but if you hit the button wrong, it skips to the beginning or end of the file. Then it takes three minutes of holding the fast forward button to fast forward 30 minutes. That being said, it probably takes longer to sit there and edit stuff out than it does to fast forward through things.