Thursday, June 18, 2009

D&D - June 18, 2009

Is it Friday yet? This has been a very slow week. And it'll be a very long summer waiting for hockey to return. I remember the Beach (roller) Hockey League that ESPN used to carry back in the 1990's...with the crap on Versus today, don't you think they'd work with the NHL to have some off-season coverage? Any publicity is gotta be good publicity for the NHL, right? Anyway...featured on today's show were discussions about how to beat those pesky speed traps, Obama's ninja fly attack, the idiot right-wingnut David Letterman protesters, nasty maggot and tapeworm stories inspired by National Sushi Day, and Matt Millen's whining. There were also a couple Deminski-isms, as he talked about his upcoming 45th birthday and his neuroses about his step-father (which prompted a funny on-air call to his mom). Rudy chipped in with a name-that-celebrity-pseudonym game. Here are a few other topics from this morning's show, thanks to

1. LEWIS BLACK (podcast) - Quite possibly one of the funniest men in America - Lewis Black called in to talk with D&D. Always entertaining to talk to this guy, and he usually has listeners, as well as the guys laughing their ass off before he hangs up.
2. MARK WILAMOWSKI (podcast) - Very cool guy - Mark Wilamowski of State Farm Insurance, who sponsors our web cam. Mark will be throwing out the first pitch at this weekends Tiger's game, and his wife will be singing the national anthem. Leave it to D&D to put even more pressure on the guy.
3. MT. CLEMENS PIT BULL PROPOSAL (podcast) - The city of Mt. Clemens is proposing some VERY steep rules for and guidlines for all pit-bull owners. Listen closely - that’s the sound of Nicole Salem's head exploding.
4. OH, MONICA! (link) - This week on Oh, Monica! -- Catch up with the councilwoman as she tries in vain to get God on her side. Will God show up to court as a character witness?
5. NICOLE FEELS UP TOYOTA MATRIX (video) - Watch ditzy Nicole Salem in her wanna-be maternity shirt as she makes out with a Toyota Matrix.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-06-18 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-06-18 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 20.77 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-06-18 Hour 2
Filename: 2009-06-18 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.12 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-06-18 Hour 3 (<ed: ---- link fixed! -6/22)
Filename: 2009-06-18 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23.33 MB

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