Tuesday, July 28, 2009

D&D - July 28, 2009

Admittedly, he ADHD-style, short attention span framework of the "new" D&D show can get a little annoying. All the commercial breaks and sports updates and songs and classic rock interviews have the side effect of limiting segment lengths. I miss the old days when the guys would spend a whole hour on one segment. At least it seems like they're being allowed to choose their own music -- they played two songs that referenced dogs in the lyrics today, another that was a parody song about Michael Vick (which we didn't edit out), a song dedicated to Doyle's new gecko, and "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen as a follow-up to their interview with Christina from the new(est) reality piece of crap dating show, "More to Love."

Other topics covered on this morning's show were the upcoming Super Bonus Point D&D Drive-In Double Feature (geez, that sounds dirty), a call-in segment about Deminski's wife's white trash / ghetto family habits (l'il bit o' D&D wife bashing in the very early 6am hour *coughcowardscough* :), and an update to the Henry Louis Gates fiasco from Massachusetts. There were also a couple other interviews -- Michael Nemchik, newest winner of the WCSX Workforce Business of the Day, hopped on the air for some manwhoring and "Bob Barker" gave his opinion of Michael Vick. Podcast-worthy topics were, as listed at WCSX.com:

1. WHAT THE HELL IS WITH MADONNA? (link) - If ever she tires of showbiz, a new career clearly awaits Madonna. She could pose for medical students keen to learn about the muscular system. Her once hefty arms have now lost every trace of fat, causing every vein and sinew to stand out in stark relief. Check out Madonna!
2. DEARBORN "DOG MAN'S" LAWYER (podcast) - James Schmier is the lawyer for the guy in Dearborn who had all the dogs in his house...Lang has signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Schmier said, a condition that sometimes is characterized by a tendency to hoard things. For Lang, that meant never throwing away refrigerators, television sets, mattresses or rotting food. Lang's Dearborn home has been the site of a major cleanup since last week, when 110 live dogs were pulled from a trashed and feces-filled home. Authorities found more than 150 dead dogs in freezers. Schmier said Lang is broke and couldn't afford to have the dogs cremated. Freezing them was the best option to ensure they didn't decompose, he said.
3. WOMEN AND HORROR FLICKS (podcast) - Jeff Deminski believes that older women do not like horror films the way men and younger women do. How long before Jeff is proven wrong?
4. DOG FIGHTS (podcast) - Dog fights are illegal, and something that we have come to associate with recently reinstated NFL football player Michael Vick. D&D want to know - if you were guaranteed to not get caught - would curiosity get the better of you? Would you watch a dog fight?

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-07-28 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-07-28 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 18.62 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-07-28 Hour 2

Filename: 2009-07-28 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 20.08 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-07-28 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-07-28 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 23 MB

One new advertiser today:

AR Sales & Consulting (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)

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