Wednesday, October 21, 2009

D&D - Oct 21, 2009

The D&D formula as of late seems to be focused on fewer and longer segments during the course of each show; the lack of music (for the most part) and the less frequent commercial breaks seems to be allowing lengthier discussions on each topic. There's still usually "Doyle Pop Culture Time" during the show where Bill throws out some short oddball, topical, or local news items (today it was a report about Charles Pugh's imminent foreclosure, a study that found that the modern human is fat and lazy, and a tip on how not to kill raccoons in your mobile home). As we've stated before, the influx of more call-in segments has been going on for a while now, but the longer segments are allowing more than one or two callers to chime in before the topic is changed (a little pet peeve of mine). Such was the case with today's debate on nudism in the home, inspired by this story of a dude getting arrested for being butt-ass-naked in his own home. At least he didn't decide to drive to the new Sonic in Troy while in his birthday suit. There was also another round of Play the Numbers, as well as these featured segments, courtesy of the apocalypse predictors over at

1. STARS GUITARS (link) - Stars Guitars is a family friendly gala that will feature a concert by REO Speedwagon, exciting live and silent auctions featuring guitars signed by popular musicians and a gourmet strolling dinner. Proceeds from this high-energy evening support the Charles A. Main, M.D. Pediatric Cancer Survivor Scholarship Fund of Beaumont Hospitals. In addition to college scholarships, health grants will also be awarded to Beaumont Hospitals' Late Effects Clinic for Survivors of Childhood Cancer.
2. BALLOON BOY'S DAD MADE HIM LIE - EVER MAKE YOUR KID LIE? (podcast) - Police are now saying that Balloon Boy's dad made him lie. Don't we all kinda (to a much lesser extent) make our kid tell a white lie once in a while?
3. JEFF JONES (podcast) - In the Spirit of Halloween - D&D talk to a local film maker who made a documentary about haunted places in Oakland County!
4. OB WANTS DADS OUT OF THE DELIVERY ROOM (podcast) - One doctor is claiming that Dad being in the delivery room is actually bad for mom! Guys - How do you feel about watching the birth of your child? Women - Did you want your husband in the delivery room?

Here's the show:

  • SEPT 2012 UPDATE: Added updated Rapidshare links!

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-10-21 Hour 1 Hour 1.mp3
Filename: 2009-10-21 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 26.16 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-10-21 Hour 2 Hour 2.mp3
Filename: 2009-10-21 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 19.42 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-10-21 Hour 3 Hour 3.mp3
Filename: 2009-10-21 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 16.06 MB

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