Tuesday, August 25, 2009

D&D - Aug 25, 2009

Memo to any politician trying to push a viewpoint to the American public -- pay attention to Deminski & Doyle. Not because they have a political show, but because they don't. D&D represent middle America; though they both have stated that they voted for Obama, they are a couple of (I assume) mid-to-upper income white males who would hardly qualify as "big government" lefties. Political topics are rare on this show, and when they do appear, they are nearly always looked at from a non-partisan angle. Faces Not Numbers, for instance, included Michigan politicians from both sides of the aisle. I jokingly gloated a couple weeks ago about a "welcome tinge of liberalism" that snuck through, but a segment from this morning shows that the average American's views are not always restricted to one side of the partisan fence. Desensitized by repeated viewings of Jack Bauer's alternate universe, D&D defended the torture of human beings. "There's no allegation that...[it constitutes] torture," Doyle stated incorrectly, apparently forgetting about the Geneva Conventions. In his defense, questioning the actions of the CIA and humanizing suspected terrorists and insurgents are not easy things to do.

The "average" American is not someone who brings a gun to an Obama town hall, nor is it someone who has stickers from MoveOn.org on their car. The seemingly illogical person who is angered when Bernie Madoff tries to "pull a Lockerbie," but yet resists government regulations that would prevent the next Wall St. ponzi scheme? That's your "average American." I wonder, is it a generational thing -- do Baby Boomers and Generation X mistrust government because the only government they have ever known deserved mistrust? -- or is it an intrinsically American attribute to be instinctively suspicious of those in power?

Turning away from America (and back to today's show), there was a distinct international flavor to this morning's broadcast. We heard about British political-correctness gone crazy, jokes from a Scottish comedy festival, a story about an Australian butt-cam (SFW), an overweight airline passenger hoax from Italy, and a "Crazy Food" challenge to Nicole Salem featuring Filipino chicken fetuses. There were also a couple US-based topics -- Michael Jackson is back in the news (did he ever leave?) and two huge American clichés meet as a reality show contestant-turned-murderer ends up dead. Other topics covered included a suspicious wrong number text message to Jim's wife, a fantasy football call-in segment, and another look at bad cover songs. Web-worthy topics were, courtesy of WCSX.com:

1. Determine Your S.A.Q. - Sports Addiction Quotient (link) - How addicted to sports are you? Click here to find out!
2. JOHN MAYER PWNS ZZ TOP AND SLASH (video) - You may not like John Mayer, but in this video at The House Of Blues he gives ZZ Top and Slash a guitar lesson...Ralph Macchio and Steve Vai eat your hearts out!
3. VIGILANTE JUSTICE (podcast) - The grandfather who molested his own grandson was murdered...Vigilante justice? Or cold blooded murder? Do you even care if they catch the murderer?
4. JEFF DANIELS (podcast) - Jeff Daniels was on the show this morning! [This was at least the third time he's appeared on the show, including once at the old station.] Jeff will be playing an unplugged show at the Purple Rose Theatre in Chelsea August 26th thru the 29th...All proceeds will go to the Purple Rose Theatre...Tickets are available online at purplerosetheatre.org or by phone at (734) 433-7673.
5. MOVIES NEVER SEEN (podcast) - There is a couple that Jeff knows who has a laundry list of box office blockbusters they have never seen....Including The Godfather, Jaws, Goodfellas...FAIL!
6. D-list Week of 8/24 (video) - Weekly D&D update video.

Here's the show:

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-08-25 Hour 1
Filename: 2009-08-25 Hour 1.mp3 Size: 20.89 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-08-25 Hour 2

Filename: 2009-08-25 Hour 2.mp3 Size: 21.87 MB

Deminski & Doyle - 2009-08-25 Hour 3
Filename: 2009-08-25 Hour 3.mp3 Size: 20.59 MB

Just one additional (free) advertiser today:

(AFAIK this is real): Shepherd's Hill Pooper Scoopers (WCSX Workforce Business of the Day)

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